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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/9/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and oh my did we have some problems last night!

So sorry to everyone who got the wrong Newsletter link.

I tried three times and I think we had some funny-business going on!

We eventually got it fixed this morning and I hope we’re all good tonight.

Ok, let’s jump right in to the news because a LOT happened today.

Starting with this bad news about Rudy G:

Rudy Giuliani Hospitalized

Then we have two very powerful messages from Robin Bullock.

First is this one:

Robin Bullock: Summary Judgment Now ENTERED In The Courts of Heaven!

And second is a HUGE multi-year prophecy fulfilled:

Robin Bullock’s Boris Johnson Prophecy FULFILLED

Don’t you just love Robin?

And can you feel the tide starting to turn?

State by state, decertification is coming!

And what is the penalty for STEALING a U.S. election?

Is it treason?


What is it?

Not good, I know that:

Langlade County Republican Party Declares Biden Illegitimate

And how evil is this lady?

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Quarantine Camp Regulation Struck Down by Court

Hey witch, what was next?

The boxcars and then the showers?


On a lighter note, how cool is this?

Invest in 99.9% pure investment grade silver and do it in style supporting Trump.

I still love these guys at DISME Coins and I’ve been a fan and a buyer for 2+ years now:

WWG1WGA: Is This The Best DISME Coin Yet?

Not even sure what to make of this next one:

Bizarre Video Shows Police Officer Arresting Another On Duty Officer

And today we got the exclusive video of the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones.

First they claimed it was due to an Earthquake.

Then they said explosion.

And the current story is lightning strike.

I say?  Hand of God.

You decide:

Georgia Guidestones Destroyed By Bomb, Earthquake, Lightning or God: Watch The Exclusive Video Here!

And for a limited time only, you might want to get on some of these:

LIMITED TIME ONLY: Up To 70% Off At MyPillow!

We end with our top story in Alaska:

MASSIVE Line Forms At Trump’s FIRST Rally Ever In Alaska

And I’ll have the full report, with highlight reel and full speech for you tomorrow.

I’m watching and it is absolutely incredible!

Let me know if you’re tuning in as well….

That’s a wrap for tonight.

Your friend,



We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.

Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.

I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇



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