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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/1/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

We start off tonight with even Joe Rogan admitting Biden has “grown a foot”…

How is that possible?

Read here:

JOE ROGAN: Joe Biden Got a LOT Taller…It’s Real!

And then we move on to FBI perjury!

Oh my!

FBI Perjury? Gab CEO Drops BOMBSHELL That Contradicts Their Claim: Releases Crooks’ Social Media Info

Then we have Kamala Harris in a family photo….before she “turned into a black woman”:

Trump Releases Rare Photo Of Kamala Harris

Be a shame if that went viral!

And this is hilarious:

Former CNN Host Don Lemon Sues Elon Musk

Good luck Don The Lemon!

This next one is awful:

Shameful: Women’s Olympic Boxer Forced To Fight Biologically Male Fighter

And Elon is warning you right here:

ELON MUSK: “America Is Headed For Bankruptcy!”

Just like I have!

In fact, I’ve told you exactly this:


Then we have Joe Biden thinking this is his family tradition?


CREEPY: Joe Biden Describes His “Family Tradition” To A Little Girl

Very serious post next:

BREAKING: Secret Service Whistleblower Warns Of SECOND Plot To Kill Trump

And Sharon Stone….welcome to the club!

Sharon Stone Joins The “Black Eye Club”

Imagine seeing this today….and thinking they finally got George W. Bush!

Alleged 9/11 Architect Terrorist Charged With 2976 Counts Of Murder Receives Plea Deal

And what is this?

Angelina Jolie Secretly Filmed ADMITTING To Sick Initiation Rituals?

And we end with our top story:

THE 20 STAB WOUND MURDER MYSTERY: Kamala’s Possible VP Pick Shapiro Declared it a SUICIDE

I told you it was a huge day!

Your friend,



Do you have one of these?

In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed




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