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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/10/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

Gotta move quickly tonight, I am loaded up with a bunch to show you!

Starting with this, which I don’t like to see at all:

Devastating New Election Prediction from the Man Who Predicted Biden’s Withdrawal 6 Months in Advance

Do love this one…

Looks like I’ve got a new favorite artist!

TRUMP APPROVED Country Singer Fights Big Tech Censorship

This next one is horrible and was so surreal to see.

Dropped like a rock.

Warning: very disturbing imagery and so sad to see:

Plane DROPS LIKE A ROCK Out of the Sky!

Next up, it looks like even Jack Smith knows it’s over:

Jack Smith CAVES, Asks The Judge To Delay The Case!

Or perhaps there’s more at play here?

More here:

Is the DOJ Using a ‘Special Rule’ Regarding Trump’s Case Before Election?

And since we talked a lot yesterday about President Trump’s plane being re-routed and having an emergency landing, I thought it might be fun to take a look at what’s inside this bad boy:

TRUMP-FORCE ONE: Inside Donald Trump’s Insane Private Jet

Can’t believe Nancy Pelosi said this today:

Pelosi: Attempted Assassination of Trump…”Strange”

That’s low, even for her!

Just putting this out there….President Trump thinks so:

Joe Biden To CRASH The Democrat National Convention?

Also putting this out there….

Monday night could be EXPLOSIVE!

Then we have this….and I have no idea what this is but many are saying their “gaydar” is flashing Level 11 on Walz:

I’m Sorry, But What The Hell Is This?

And we end tonight with the laugh we all needed.

Sometimes you just have to take a break and laugh:

HILARIOUS! Breakdancing Debuts at Olympics, Provides the Laugh You’ve Needed

Your friend,



Have you heard of “Grounding”?

I think you know me well enough to know I’m not a tree-hugging Hippie.  

Far from it.

But Grounding is the real deal.

And my friend Winger found a way to “Ground” all day long, even if you’re indoors.

Details here:

Govt Concealed Tech That Could Prevent FAMINE, Protect from Dangerous 5G & 10Xs Your Health?

How cool is that?



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