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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/12/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and I’ve got a STACKED Saturday night Newsletter for you.

Wow, wild day….so busy.

Everyone and their mother were at the Iowa State Fair today, and unless your name was Donald J. Trump it went badly for you.

Very, very badly.

Here’s what happened to Ronald:

Ron DeSantis Drowned Out By Cheers Of “WE LOVE TRUMP” At Iowa State Fair

And to Mike Pence:

Mike Pence Heckled By Trump Supporters At Iowa State Fair

Vivek tried to rap, and it was either cool and edgy and hip or lame and staged and “went on for SO long”….depending on your point of view.

Watch here:

Vivek Ramaswamy Raps “Lose Yourself” At Iowa State Fair

What do you think?

Speaking of Vivek, I posted this earlier today to Twitter:

Dude is giving me SERIOUS Obama vibes recently.

I think the whole “young and edgy” profile is more like “super staged and very fake”.

Great speaker, eloquent on the mic….and super fake?

That’s what I’m seeing.

And that screams Obama 2.0 to me.

What do you think?

Hey, speaking of Twitter, we are spending a TON of time over there now.

It’s the best and safest and most free speech platform out there.

Will you please make sure you follow us?


Now let’s move on to the Maui fires:

Something’s Not Right: Hawaii’s World Best Alarm System Didn’t Warn People of Deadly Wildfire


Church Miraculously Untouched By Devastating Wildfires in Lahaina, Maui

Then we had this out of Florida today:

Mysterious Green Fireball Spotted In Florida Sky

And I will have a related story for you tomorrow about Hawaii….

We may have noticed something VERY interesting.

Then we had this:

FDA Makes BIG Ivermectin Admission!

We were right from Day 1!

We told you in 2020 and we never backed off our reporting.

We were right all along….and that’s why MILLIONS trust us each month.

Then we have a crazy story about the food you eat:

“Fake Food” EXPOSED: Here’s How You Can Tell…

And two more Vaxxidents?

Two Pilots Reportedly Suffer Medical Emergencies During Flights

So scary.

Do you feel safe flying these days?

Next was this:

Katie Hobbs Declares State of Emergency, Kari Lake Responds

Such an abuse of power and so ridiculous.

It’s summer in the Sonoran desert, not a green light for a power grab you fucking Traitor!

We need Kari Lake in there pronto and Katie Hobbs in GITMO!

That’s a fact.

But good news….

People ARE waking up.

And not just people, but CNN of all places:

Even CNN’s Jake Tapper Now Admitting Biden DOJ May Be Corrupt!

We’ve been telling you for a long time now that eventually the truth would become so overwhelming that even CNN would be forced to report on it.

And you’re seeing that start to happen right now before your very eyes.


Perhaps my favorite story and definitely my favorite song is next….

Have you seen this?

If not, stop what you are doing and listen.

This is not just a song, it’s an ANTHEM for right now:

(WATCH) Song That References Epstein Island, Bashes DC Elites Hits US iTunes #1

Absolutely amazing.

We are working to get him on my show for an interview.

I can’t wait to chat with thim.

And speaking of interviews, Dean Cain (Superman himself) joins me next week!

I am so excited, can’t wait.

We end tonight with our top story…..

I love the sound of this:

Matt Gaetz Claims Trump Could Name Him Attorney General: ‘The World is Not Ready’

How about you?

Matt Gaetz seems to be one of the only trustworthy people in Congress.

What do you say?

One more bonus before I go….

This happens THIS week!

And Mike needs you to be there.

It’s free but you have to register.

Go here:

Mike Lindell: The Plan Revealed!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 22,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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