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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/14/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.

We start with this first up tonight:

BREAKING: EVERY Social Security # Allegedly STOLEN – Over 2.7 BILLION Records Taken

Gee, that’s not a problem, is it?

Also…nothing to see here either!

Major Discount Retail Chain Plans To Close Over 300 Stores

Next an update on the MASSIVE X Spaces President Trump did with Elon Musk…

First of all, combined views have now topped One BILLION (yes, that’s Billion with a “B”):

And it’s mostly YOUNG people:

Youth Movement: 25 – 34 Year Olds Dominate the Audience of President Trump & Elon Musk’s XSpace

And we also have Barron coming in with this:

Barron Trump Reportedly Helping Trump’s Campaign With Gen Z Voters

Love seeing this:

Turning Red? MASSIVE Turnout in Liberal Asheville, NC For Trump Rally Today!

And right on time, here comes the NEXT Pandemic:

BREAKING: WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

This is so horrific to see….

Why would you EVER take your children out there in the line of danger?

Makes me furious:

Black Bear Mauls 3-Year-Old Sleeping In Tent Near Yellowstone

This is one hell of a way to go:

Police Rule Woman Who Died In Baggage Claim Carousel Committed Suicide

Death by Baggage Claim!

I’ve felt as though part of me was dying many times while standing at Baggage Claim but I’ve never actually considered it could happen!


And I continue to warn about a huge stock market crash…..


Because some of the top names out there continue to warn about it:

FLASHBACK: Jamie Dimon Says He Does NOT Expect a “Soft Landing” In The Economy

And we end with our top story….

What kind of funny business do you suspect went on here?

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar Won Reelection – BUT Why Was Her District Delaying The Results?

Ok, that’s all from me tonight.

See you back here tomorrow.

Oh, before you go, a quick reminder to bookmark our two archive pages in case we ever lose touch!

First up, here’s the sign up page to sign up for this Newsletter or add a friend or add a second email address:

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Your friend,



I talk a lot about Gold but here’s something you might not know…

You might be able to get a LOT of it with no money out of pocket!

Yes, really.  

You know I don’t ever lead you astray!

You see, you might have a ton of money in a retirement account in volative stocks and bonds.

I’m not a financial advisor, but that may not be the best thing for you right now….and maybe Gold is a much safer play for you.

You could move some or all of that into Gold and protect yourself without having to pay a dime out of pocket.  

 to see exactly how…

And if you’re more into Silver (I get it), then you need to see this:

Buy It — Break It — Trade It — New Silver “Invention” Has Never Been Done Before!



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