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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/15/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.
We start tonight with a major update in the death of Matthew Perry….remember that? Remember how weird it all was?
Now 5 people have been arrested:
Speaking of weird, how in the world did he predict this so perfectly four years ago?
Every last detail!
TRUMP TIME MACHINE? How Did He Predict All Of This Back in 2020?
Perhaps we truly are just watching a movie?
And since President Trump is back on Twitter, I thought it would be fun to recap his Top 10 best “Mean Tweets”.
Take a look:
Which is your favorite?
On a very serious note, this woman needs to be FIRED and the investigation into the inside job (?) hit against President Trump needs to go much deeper.
This is horrible:
Female Secret Service Agent Reportedly Abandoned Post During North Carolina Rally!
In a related story, Barack Obama appears to be bragging about the “hit” and even celebrating it.
At least, that’s what it looks like to many people.
How else can you explain this?
Then we have the return of this guy, and if you ask me he never should have left:
This is very concerning:
Now let’s talk NESARA and GESARA….
I know some of you are planning on this coming to save the day.
Please don’t mortgage your future on it.
I believe it’s FAKE as can be.
I know this will upset many people, but I have to tell the truth.
Details here:
A much better solution is this:
Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
Then we have Mar-a-Lago being shut down?
They’re trying to get him every single way they can!
Targeting Trump? Palm Beach Mayor Explores Closing Mar-a-Lago
And here we go again….
Right on schedule after the last time it happened 4 years ago.
You ready to do this again?
Ok, that’s all for tonight.
Your friend,
I am so excited to show you my newest creation….
It’s called the FREEDOM HAT.
This is the most ULTRA-premium hat I have ever created.
Thick raised stitching, super clean white hat that simply says FREEDOM!
I actually saw a guy wearing this one day, asked him where he got it, he didn’t know, so I asked him if I could buy his from him and then I used that to create my own because I thought it was so cool! And that’s what I did!
I get compliments any time I wear mine.
We’re actually selling them for $34.99 but to celebrate the new hat I finally just got my first batch in and I’m giving out 500 of them for FREE!
Yeah baby!
I always give you guys everything here first….like I say, there are BIG BENNIES to being a DailyNoah Newsletter subscriber!
So if you want one, TAP HERE and I’ll send you one for free to celebrate our kickoff! The only thing I ask is you cover the shipping & handling cost. Sound fair?
Ok cool.
I can’t do this forever, and I can’t promise that by the time you read this the first 500 won’t be already gone, but check availability here:
Who loves ya baby?
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