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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/19/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

Oh my, what a day we had today!

I have so much to show you, and honestly this probably should be split into two reports but I’m just going to make the most of it and show you all we’ve got!

Sound good?

Starting with Day 1 of the DNC kicking off and pretty much going exactly how we expected….

First was this:

HILARIOUS: Charlie Kirk Sends “Young Democrat” Packing With One Question…

Then the empty seats:

It’s DEAD Inside The DNC — Low Energy and Less Than Half Full

Next up, an absolute ABOMINATION of a “prayer”….

My thoughts:

EXPOSED: Catholic Bishop’s Disgusting “Prayer” From DNC Night One Absolutely Ripped To Shreds…

And then this happened:

JUST IN: Protestors Storm and Overtake Fence Surrounding DNC Convention

What a start to this Convention!

A true shit show!  (Sorry Franklin)

Then we have Kamala Harris doing what Kamala Harris does….being ULTRA FAKE:

Kamala Harris CAUGHT Faking “Doritos Video”

Did not expect to see this today:

Alvin Bragg Suddenly Caves In Surprise New Move

Next up, we talk a lot about Ivermectin, but not enough about Hydroxychloroquine….

It’s equally important.

Check this out:

Dr. McCullough:  What You Need to Know about Hydroxychloroquine

And how great is it to see Mark Taylor pop up again?

Mark Taylor Returns! Brand New Interview — Watch Here!

This woman is pure evil, of this I am sure…

Listen as she speaks with such glee:

WATCH: Kamala Harris Brags About How She Can “Wreck Your Life” With a Stroke of Her Pen!

Did she even pass the bar?

Then we have Joe Biden….

Why do you suppose he’s high-tailing it out of there?

BREAKING: Joe Biden To Give “Farewell Speech” Tonight and Then Immediately Leave the DNC Convention

Past his bed time?

Things about to get ugly?


We will see!

Maybe he just didn’t like the fact that they pulled up a U-Haul to his home right after he left town:

U-Haul Spotted Outside White House Before Joe Biden Gives His “Farewell Address” Tonight At The DNC

Next is something really incredible…

It almost seems impossible, except that Clif has a track record of being right about these things.

Can you imagine?

Clif High: Here Come The “Lightning Eaters”!

Shout out to my Iowa friends next:

Archeologists In Iowa Discover Massive Creature

And a HUGE shout out to all the amazing things happening down in Georgia:

Georgia In Play: New Rules From Georgia Election Board Skyrocket Trump’s Odds of Winning the State!

Three simple words for you next….




Pandemic 2.0 Will See Police, NATO Forcing The World To Get Vaccinated

And we end tonight with our top story….

A personal invite from me to you!

I hope you can join me:

INVITE FROM NOAH: Please Join Me Wednesday Night….I’m Hosting a “PARTY With A PURPOSE”!

Your friend,



Have you seen this from Dr. Zelenko?

“Zinc Is The Bullet — It Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is The Bullet Doesn’t Get To The Place Where It Needs To Be”




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