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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/2/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.

Before we get started, a quick heads up to make sure you scroll down to the bottom of this email in the “P.S.” section for something very special….I’m pretty pumped about it!

Ok, now let’s jump right in and start here with a little DEEP DIVE on Kamala’s possible VP pick:

THE 20 STAB WOUND MURDER MYSTERY: Kamala’s Possible VP Pick Shapiro Declared it a SUICIDE

Gee, what a gem he is!

Then we have a TON of Joe Biden weirdness from last night….

First this:

WATCH: Joe Biden Strangely Boards, Then De-Boards, Plane

Then this:

Joe Biden Suddenly Wide Awake and Running?

Then this:

WATCH: Kamala Word Salad, Joe’s SHOT!

And finally this one:

Joe Biden: “You’re Stuck With Me As President For Awhile, Kid. There’s No Way Out. You Got Me For At Least 90 Days Or So.”

Anyone else IMMEDIATELY think of Jim Carrey when you see that?

Am I the only one?


Next up, we have some very disappointing news from Kyle Rittenhouse:

WATCH: Kyle Rittenhouse FLIPS On Trump (Plus Lin Wood!)

And an update from our good friend Bo Polny….

“Strange July” is now over, here’s what comes next:

BO POLNY: What Comes After “Strange July”?

Glenn Beck is seriously underrated for how funny he is.

This one had my dying with laughter:

GLENN BECK: “Hang on, our Themis has just gone off….”

Next up is something brand new we’re doing…

It will be a weekly segment on Fridays featuring my friend Ira Bershatsky.

Check it out:

PRECIOUS METALS REPORT: August 2, 2024 (New Gold ATH!)

Smart dude!

Then we have the most clear UFO ever?

Ehhhh, I don’t think so but you can watch the video here and read my thoughts about what I think is really going on:

SEE HERE: Allegedly ‘Clearest Ufo Video In History’ Filmed In Brazil

Great info here from Dr. Peter McCullough….

Truly one of the good guys!

How to Get the Prescription McCullough Protocol Before the Government Bans It

And we end with our top story….

This is something I’ve been wanting to write for a while now, and I just haven’t been able to pull my thoughts together well enough.

But today it all clicked.

I’d really love to know what you think about this, I think it’s HUGE:

The Religious Revival Happening Right Now….That Almost NO ONE Is Talking About!

Ok, I have to run but make sure you don’t leave without scrolling down to read my very special “P.S.” section tonight….goodies await you!

Your friend,



I am so excited to show you my newest creation….

It’s called the FREEDOM HAT.

This is the most ULTRA-premium hat I have ever created.  

Thick raised stitching, super clean white hat that simply says FREEDOM!

I actually saw a guy wearing this one day, asked him where he got it, he didn’t know, so I asked him if I could buy his from him and then I used that to create my own because I thought it was so cool!  And that’s what I did!

I get compliments any time I wear mine.

We’re actually selling them for $34.99 but to celebrate the new hat I finally just got my first batch in and I’m giving out 500 of them for FREE!

Yeah baby!

I always give you guys everything here first….like I say, there are BIG BENNIES to being a DailyNoah Newsletter subscriber!

So if you want one, TAP HERE and I’ll send you one for free to celebrate our kickoff!  The only thing I ask is you cover the shipping & handling cost.  Sound fair?

Ok cool.

I can’t do this forever, and I can’t promise that by the time you read this the first 500 won’t be already gone, but check availability here:


Who loves ya baby?




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