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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/24/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

Before we hit the news tonight, I have to do a little housekeeping announcement.

Most of you (probably 99% of you) can open our Newsletter just fine each night.

But there is a persistent bug that is causing problems for 1% of you.

We’re working so hard to solve it and I need your help.

So we setup a Bug Report page where you can report if you have issues opening this Newsletter.

If that’s you, go to the link below and send us your information — the MOST important part is we need a screenshot of the error message you are receiving, most likely it will be from CloudFlare:

Bug Report

Link here:

Please send those screenshots over and I hope we can fix this once and for all soon!

Now the news....

And we start with a Trump Rally that is 2x the size of the DNC:

Scorcher in the Desert: President Trump’s Arizona Rally Draws Massive Crowd!


I love this:

POETIC: President Trump Promises New Commission For RFK Jr. in New Administration

And more continues to happen with the (corrupt) Secret Service:

JUST IN: Multiple Secret Service Agents SUSPENDED For Failing Trump At Butler, PA Rally

Can anyone explain how or why this keeps happening?

WATCH: The Insane Moment Two Trains COLLIDE In Colorado!

Or this?

BREAKING: “COVID Czar” Dr. Anthony Fauci Hospitalized For SIX Days With West Nile Virus

LOL...almost sounds like this fella has a weakened immune system!

How many times has he had COVID, 100?

And now he has West Nile Virus?

Speaking of things that are out of control:

Border Invasion: It’s worse than we thought, WAY worse…..

Next is a follow up on the RFK story from yesterday...

Yes, it's all still great news, but not quite what you might think:

BURIED LEDE: RFK, Jr. NOT Ending Campaign In All States, Only In 10 Battleground States!

And we found this today:

MUST SEE: Bombshell Old Bill Gates, Trump, RFK Vaccine Video Found!

Remember that awful Brazil plain crash from a few weeks ago?

Here's the TRUTH behind it:

Doctors Killed In Brazilian Plane Crash Promised To Release Evidence Tying mRNA “Vaccines” To TURBO CANCER

This happened this afternoon:

BREAKING: Telegram Founder Pavel Durov ARRESTED In France!

They HATE anything they can't control.

This next one had my absolutely dying laughing!


EPIC TROLLING: These People Had No Idea He Was Making Fun Of Them To Their Face At The DNC!

And here comes the TRUMP BUMP!

Stats and polls going way up!

TRUMP BUMP: New Polls Show Huge Jump For President Trump After RFK Endorsement!


The Chamber Of Commerce Just Exposed Another Tim Walz Lie

This is very scary:

New ATM Technology Is Coming That Will Enforce Vaccine Compliance Before You’re Allowed To Access Bank Deposits

Which is why I continue to say GET YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANKS!

As Gold Prices Surge Past $2,500 Per Ounce, This Faith-Based Gold Company Shows People How To Get in Now

Ok, that's a wrap for tonight!

Your friend,



Do you have one of these?

In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed

OH!  And I have a new 10% discount I can get you right now!




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