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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/25/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

Friendly reminder about this before we get started…

I know most of you (probably 99% of you) can open our Newsletter just fine each night.

But there is a persistent bug that is causing problems for 1% of you.

We’re working so hard to solve it and I need your help.

So we setup a Bug Report page where you can report if you have issues opening this Newsletter.

If that’s you, go to the link below and send us your information — the MOST important part is we need a screenshot of the error message you are receiving, most likely it will be from CloudFlare:

Bug Report

Link here:

Please send those screenshots over and I hope we can fix this once and for all soon!

Ok, now let's hit the news!

Starting with this:

Pope Francis Declares Monkeypox a “Global Health Emergency”

Can anyone tell me why this guy has ANY authority over something like this?

Your ONE job Pontiff should be talking about Jesus!

And yet, I almost NEVER hear his name come out of your mouth.

I constantly hear about vaccines and social justice warrior stuff.


Maybe we need a new Pope?

Maybe we don't need "Popes" at all, just the Bible?


Moving on, love this next one:

Did President Trump’s Chances To Win Michigan Just Go Way Up? Judge Issues Devestating Ruling Against Democrats

Also great news here:

Court Rules RFK Jr. Can Sue Biden Administration And Is ‘Likely To Succeed’

And I continue to warn that a massive crash is coming soon, probably right after the election if I had to guess:

A MASSIVE financial collapse is coming that will destroy everyone’s assets, warns Paul Craig Roberts

And did you know about this iconic photo?

Melania was actually in it:

Did You Know Melania Trump Was Cropped Out Of This Famous Photo?

Speaking of iconic photos, do you really believe this is all just a big coincidence?

I don't:

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT? President Trump’s Twitter Banner Predicted The Future?

This next one is pretty incredible, from the late Rob Skiba:

Rob Skiba Predicts Vaccine Mandates In 2013 With Near Perfection! [Mark of the Beast]

Skiba was such an incredible guy, I'm so sad we lost him to the ventilators!

Which is another great reason that you might want to take advantage of this:

UPDATE: Here’s How to Get the Prescription McCullough Protocol Before the Government Bans It

Speaking about people who are vaccine-injured, here's one:

WATCH: RFK, Jr.’s True Speaking Voice REVEALED

This is troubling, not sure what's going on here:

X Bans Naomi Wolf After Interview With Alex Jones Exposing Multiple White House Coups Currently Underway

I hope we can get an explanation soon about this.

Or get it reversed.

And can anyone tell me what's going on here?

Or who the lady in the red dress is?

ULTRA CRINGE Democrat Video Going Viral Online — “What Did I Just Watch?”

And we end with our top story....

If you think RFK was the big prize, it was great but it's not the end -- only the beginning!

Details here:

A Powerful Alliance: RFK Jr. and Other Prominent Democrats To Actively Campaign With President Trump!

Your friend,



Have you heard of the "Q"-Link?

Yeah, I'm sure the name is just a coincidence....or maybe not.

See it here:



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