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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/26/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

We start with Pope Francis acting more like a doctor than a “Pope”?

Pope Francis Declares Monkeypox a “Global Health Emergency”

What is a Pope anyway?

Is that Biblical?

Do we need Popes?

Are Popes described in the Bible?

Or is that a system we should do away with and get back to simply a relationship with Jesus?

Just wondering….

Maybe instead of listening to a Pontiff, it might be wise to do this instead:

Here’s How Americans Can Stockpile Ivermectin & Key Prescription Medicines – Here Is One Way To Do It

I found it interesting that even Jon Stewart couldn’t stomach the DNC BS anymore:

Even Jon Stewart Couldn’t Ignore The Democratic National Convention’s Glaring Hypocrisy

And Kamala Harris wants out of the Trump debate….

Is anyone surprised?

Trump Campaign Blasts Harris For Trying To Change Rules After Agreeing To Debate

This took everyone by surprise today:

Going After VA: President Trump Makes Heart-Warming Visit to Vietnamese Restaurant in Falls Church, Virginia

And what do we have here?

If your kid went rogue and snapped, why do you need a high powered attorney?

Trump Shooter’s Father: BIG MOVE as Green Beret Congressman Suspicious of “Lone Wolf” Narrative


I absolutely love the idea of a bigger role for Elon Musk in a Trump Administration:

President Trump Reveals Possible Expanded Role For Elon Musk In His Administration

I also absolutely love this:

BREAKING: Gov. Greg Abbott Announces Over 1 Million Ineligible Voters Removed From Voter Rolls

Keep going!

Doing it in every state!

Next up, we have to look at this again:

FLASHBACK To The Kabul Airport Inflatable Plane

Does anyone honestly believe that was real?

Come on!

In related news, another flashback:

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Laughs When Asked About 13 Dead U.S. Service Members

Make that go viral!

I couldn’t believe we got this today:

RFK, Jr.: “We Are Going To Stop The Crime of Chemtrails!”

And why is this guy always so fake?

This is so bad it’s laughable:

BUSTED: Tim Walz CAUGHT In Another Lie!

The Alliance is growing:

BREAKING: ANOTHER Prominent Democrat Breaks Ranks To Endorse President Trump!

And we end with our top story….

What in the world is going on here?

Biden missed it.

Kamala missed it.

And then they just let President Trump swoop in and do it?


Does anyone believe that?

Or is he…..?

COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF? President Trump Conducts Wreath-Laying Ceremony At Arlington National Cemetery

Your friend,



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