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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/27/22

Hey friends,
Happy Saturday to you!
How is everything?
Good I hope.
Super busy day here between family, friends and the News, so if you’re like me here’s what you may have missed…
Disturbing story first and I hope he is innocent:
I actually like Fallon.
Of all of them, I actually find him funny and he seemed good natured.
After this? Not sure, but I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Next is Steven Bannon calling in to Rudy Giuliani’s show and dropping a bomb:
BANNON: “At Least a Dozen FBI Officials, Including Wray, Will Go To Prison…This Is Treason!”
Reports I’ve read have placed the number anywhere from 12 to about 48.
Sound about right to you?
Coming soon!
And thanks to Pastor Robb for sending me this one…it’s perfect!
Please enjoy a moment of a little comic relief:
Next up is something you might find very helpful.
We connect each night with this Newsletter but did you know we’re also easy to find online?
During the day we’re very active.
If you want to interact with us and even message us (me) directly, here’s how and here’s where we hang out:
I’ll see you there!
TruthSocial and Telegram are your two best bets to actually chat with me directly during the day.
Moving on, this is really something:
And why is this guy still alive?
So glad we’re continuing to feed and pay for his existence:
Accused Waukesha Christmas Parade Terrorist Has Angry Outburst In Court Room
You gotta love this next one from our POTUS:
Donald Trump Releases EPIC Troll of FBI’s Redacted Search Warrant Affidavit
And we end with our top story…
Did you know I once had over 1.5 MILLION people following WeLoveTrump on Facebook?
We were growing so fast, adding hundreds of new people each day. Every day.
And I guess we told too much truth because one day we were wiped out.
Like we never even existed.
Well, that and so much more has been happening at Facebook.
We all knew it…
We all suspected it…
We all experienced it.
And until now, it had been mostly ignored or denied.
Well, today that Lizard Alien piece of shit Mark Zuckerberg (and don’t write me complaining about language, “piece of shit” is the absolute nicest thing I can possibly say about that vile entity) admitted that it was all true.
They do censor.
They shadow ban.
And he admitted they absolutely stopped the spread of the Hunter Biden Laptop story.
It’s all right here:
GOP Demands Zuckerberg Testify Following Admission Facebook Censored Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Mark, enjoy your time in Hell — eternity is a long time, but I’m sure you’ll be very popular down here.
Ok, that’s it, I gotta go.
See you back here tomorrow!
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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