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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/5/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

We start tonight with an absolutely UGLY day in the stock market, but we don’t just give you that report….we tell you WHY:

BLACK MONDAY? The Japanese “Carry-Trade” Fully EXPLAINED

You’ve probably heard me preaching about GOLD and SILVER for a while now….

And maybe today you thought it was too late, you missed the boat!

Well, you almost did!

But I don’t think it’s quite too late yet.

Details here:

No, It’s Not Too Late To Get Gold (With No Money Out of Pocket)….But It Soon Will Be!

But don’t wait any longer!

Next up, we have this hilarious take from Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi Says Joe Biden Should Be Added to Mount Rushmore

And more reports of Kamala Harris and the DNC paying off people for support?

Kamala Harris Campaign Paying People $20,000 To Attend the DNC Convention?

Speaking of Kamala, this is really something:

Kamala Harris Explains Inflation

Update from Joe Rogan:

Has Joe Rogan Filed Massive Lawsuit Against MSNBC?

Hard to believe this is not fake or edited, but by all accounts it’s not:

MUST HEAR: “Mickey Mouse” Voice Stuns Olympics Watchers


Big Court update here:

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rejects Bid To Postpone Trump Sentencing In New York Trial

Elon Musk update here:

[WATCH] Elon Musk Explains Why He Endorsed Donald Trump For President

Love this from Mike Lindell:

Before Buying A New Mattress: Try The Amazing Mattress Topper From MyPillow (40% Off Plus Money Back Guarantee)

And we end with our top story….

This is happening tomorrow and it’s likely a one-time event.

All I can say is don’t miss it:

NEED WORK? Come Find Out How You Can MAKE MONEY Working With Me (Noah) By Kicking The Deep State’s BUTT!

I’ll see you there!

Let’s wrap up back to gold and silver…..

I’ve been talking A LOT about Gold and Silver recently, and now you see why!

I think the big crash is very near….perhaps it’s already started!

And I guess you do too, because my gold partner is having trouble keeping up with all the people wanting to shift their IRA into gold.

But some people are just kicking tires and other people are really serious and ready to move fast.

I told them I’d get a VIP list of people who are ready to move fast.

If that’s you, and if you want priority access, please add your name right here and I’ll make sure someone gets in touch with you quickly.


I’m not sure how much time is left, but I don’t think it’s very much.

Good for GOLD and SILVER.

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



I am so excited to show you my newest creation….

It’s called the FREEDOM HAT.

This is the most ULTRA-premium hat I have ever created.  

Thick raised stitching, super clean white hat that simply says FREEDOM!

I actually saw a guy wearing this one day, asked him where he got it, he didn’t know, so I asked him if I could buy his from him and then I used that to create my own because I thought it was so cool!  And that’s what I did!

I get compliments any time I wear mine.

We’re actually selling them for $34.99 but to celebrate the new hat I finally just got my first batch in and I’m giving out 500 of them for FREE!

Yeah baby!

I always give you guys everything here first….like I say, there are BIG BENNIES to being a DailyNoah Newsletter subscriber!

So if you want one, TAP HERE and I’ll send you one for free to celebrate our kickoff!  The only thing I ask is you cover the shipping & handling cost.  Sound fair?

Ok cool.

I can’t do this forever, and I can’t promise that by the time you read this the first 500 won’t be already gone, but check availability here:


Who loves ya baby?




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