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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/1/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with a red hot Newsletter for you tonight.
Folks, we are on the precipice…
The edge of the cliff…
And Biden wants to drive us right off straight away!
He gave a speech tonight that was wrong on almost ever level.
Just look at the images, it’s dark, red, ominous and that’s just the look.
The content was downright bonechilling.
Biden saids “MAGA” is the enemy of our country.
Literally: Make America Great Again is the problem?
These people are delusionsal.
But here’s the problem: I can read the writing on the wall and this ends with Donald Trump’s indictment and arrest. And probably a Roger Stone style raid at 3am.
I give you all the details here:
And speaking of clown show Joe, it seemed like a good time to bring this up:
BRUTAL: Resurfaced Video of Joe Biden Should Destroy His Campaign
Next up, we pause for a minute to remind everyone exactly what happens when you go against MAGA.
And it ain’t pretty!
Bed, Bath & Beyond TANKING! Closing 150 Stores 18 Months After Canceling MyPillow…
Oh and Joe…we don’t condone “violence” here, but if you think the American people are going to take this sitting down, perhaps you need to study up on what’s happening in Belgium right now.
Check this out:
Eventually, the people have nothing left to lose and they want their freedom back and their country back.
Be very careful Joe….
When it turns, it turns QUICK.
Just ask King Charles and King Louie XVI….again, not advocating beheadings, so are we clear on that?
Just saying, study history!
Or is that still allowed?
Is that banned yet?
Has that been declared an enemy to the state?
Soon it will.
On point, the risk of this is growing by the day:
And perhaps we’re already in one…
Next up is one of our top stories of the day.
This guy is freaking awesome!
Love to hear what you think on this:
FACT-CHECK PLEASE: “Why Donald Trump Is STILL Your President”
And by popular request, we end with our top story.
So many of you have emailed me saying “I love what Bo Polny is telling us, but I don’t even know where to start!”
So we put together this short 13 minute video that is just for you.
And probably your family and friends.
I’d love it if you help us get the word out…I want as many people as possible to be prepared and safe!
ALL the details here, Bo doesn’t hold anything back:
Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.
We’re working on some massive reports for tomorrow, so be sure and tune back in.
I’ll see you then.
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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