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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/11/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.
Before we get started, I’m once again asking for your help.
A big “thank you” in advance for your assistance…
We are facing EXTREME censorship right now.
Every day recently my inbox is flooded with people saying they aren’t getting this newsletter in their email.
“Why did you stop sending your Newsletter?” (I got FIVE of those just today!)
I didn’t.
It’s just being censored.
And most people can’t even find it in Junk/Spam/Promotions folders either.
Just gone — poof!
Kind of like what they do to Republican voter ballots.
But we can fight back here.
I need your help with two things please…
Even if you’ve never had a problem with my email arriving to your inbox, I need your help especially!
Because only the people reading this will ever get this message.
A real chicken & egg problem.
Here’re the first thing I need you to do…
I need you to search your email, especially Junk/Spam/Promotions tabs, and find anything from me (search for: [email protected]).
Every single email you find, even if they’re old, mark them as Not Junk!
Each time you do that, it sends a message to the email companies saying you like my email and want to receive it.
If you do it for every single email of mine you find, and if thousands of you all do it, we should be the Al-Gore-Rhythms and they will be forced to start delivering our emails honestly.
That’s #1.
Please take a moment to do it right now.
#2 – please add my email address ([email protected]) to your address book and whitelist it.
That also helps a lot.
Last, #3 please remember this: if you ever don’t receive my email, you can always find this Newsletter at TruthLion.com.
Right there at the top of the homepage, organized by date.
In fact, I recommend you bookmark it.
Remember, I send a Newsletter every single day (I miss 1-2 days a year, max), so if you don’t get one it means they’re messing with us and we must have printed too much truth that day.
Thanks again, taking 2-3 minutes to help us with this tonight will make a HUGE difference — not just for me, but for all of the people who keep emailing me every day upset that they don’t get to read this.
Ok, now let’s jump in!
So much happening today that I brought you a NOON update earlier today.
If you missed it, you can catch up here:
Now let's hit everything new since then!
It's 9/11 and I will "Never Forget" the lie they tried to sell to us.
How about you?
And if you don't quite know what I mean, let's start with "Lucky Larry":
Luckiest man alive, I guess!
Now let's go to the Pentagon where a plane NEVER hit that building.
See for yourself:
This Video Only Aired ONCE On TV And Then Never Again — Here’s Why
Let's go next to Building 7 which ALSO was not hit by a plane, but which still came crashing down.
Strange, right?
They really don't want you talking about Building 7:
In related news, Bo Polny just told me a few days ago that a new, global, 9/11 would happen soon.
That's quite a statement, so read this to see what he means:
You heard it here first!
Hey, I know everyone is barely staying above water these days....
So can I help?
Instead of paying DirectTV or cable TV or someone else $150/month, why not get this for $24.99?
It's even better than those other guys:
CUT THE CORD: Ditch Cable, Get VuTV+ — Put $150 Back In Your Pocket Each Month!
I'm always here to help!
Who loves ya baby?
Now let's go to the Debates again, and I am going to "Fact Check" ABC News.
First this:
FACT-CHECKING ABC NEWS: President Trump Was RIGHT About “Post-Birth Abortion”
Then this:
ANOTHER ABC NEWS FACT-CHECK: Yes, The Haitians ARE Eating Dogs, Cats, Ducks and Geese!
They lied SO bad!
I used to love when Bill O'Reilly would bring on his Body Language expert....
Anyone else remember that?
Great to see Dr. Phil picking up that torch and running with it:
Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in Tonight’s Debate
And no sooner did the debate end than Kamala Harris was demanding a rematch.
You know who always demands a rematch?
Always the loser, never the winner:
President Trump Responds To Kamala’s Demand for a Second Debate
Earlier today, the biggest story was whether Kamala Harris used "Audio Earrings".
Basically, a hearing device disguised as jewelry.
Incredibly, I have an update because the company itself has responded:
UPDATE: Company Responds To Claim Kamala Harris Wore “Audio Earrings” At Debate
This next one may be the funniest thing you'll see all year.
And share with a friend who might need a laugh.
Then we end with our top story....
Yes, this is 100% real.
And yes, this is Joe Biden smiling as he wears a Trump 2024 hat.
Details here:
CRAZY: Why Is Joe Biden Now Wearing Trump’s Red MAGA Hat? (Yes, It’s Real)
Gotta run, I'm wiped!
Your friend,
Do you have one of these?
In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!
Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed.
Plus....I can get you 10% off right now!
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