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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/13/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.

Wild day around here!

So much to show you, let’s go fast….

First up, just like we told you….unfortunately the next wave is now upon us:

Wells Fargo: Big New Wave Of Layoffs Coming!

Going to get worse before it gets better.

And I don’t even know what to make of this:

X Account Suspended After Predicting Injury…

This next one is GREAT news for our Country!

We all knew this was true, but now two different levels of Courts have backed it up!

Biden Admin Suffers Massive Defeat In Court

Next up, now it’s official:

Former NFL Wide Receiver Dead At 36

Very sad.

One more next here….

Do you think this is normal?

Former NBA Player Collapses and Passes Away at 42

And what do you think of this?

Right move?

Oliver Anthony Show Canceled After Singer Expresses Anger Over Ticket Prices

SUPER creepy story next.

You have to see this video.

What in the world does “The Creator” mean?

AI Robots Attend NFL Game

Ok, next up this is really funny but I also take a lot of time to answer a very serious question:

Do You Suffer From “Electile Dysfunction”?

And you have to see this:

SEE How Ivermectin Kills Parasites Live Under The Microscope!

Speaking of “Science”…..Fauci really doesn’t want you to see this:

FAUCI: Please Ignore The Cochrane Masks Study…

And we end with our top story:

Is President Trump Still “Commander In Chief”?


See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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Growing faster than I can keep up!

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