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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/2/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Labor Day edition of the Newsletter.

We start tonight with a very interesting rumor that is starting to gain credibility:

Kamala Harris Reportedly Attempting To Drop Out First Debate

Let’s see what happens!

This is fascinating and creepy:

LISTEN: Astronaut Records CREEPY NOISE Onboard Space Station, NASA Team Investigating

Then we have Kamala Harris doing more racist pandering:

Kamala Harris Rolls Out Offensive New Accent

And how many times have I warned you of this?

Happening right now!

BREAKING: Turkey Wants To Join BRICS

Just like I told you!

It’s going to get very bad soon for the US Dollar….

Then we have Kamala Harris AGAIN going full racist:

Kamala Harris: “I Wash my Collard Greens in the Bathtub”

Hot sauce in my baggggg….

Hot sauce in my bag?

Hot sauce in my bag!

Thanks Delonte West!

But as much as people hate Kamala, Tim Walz is not far behind…

This was awesome:

RATIO! Tim Walz Absolutely Destroyed In The Comments To His Own Post On Twitter!

Then you have this beauty….

Can you see yet?

It’s all fake!


UNREAL: War “Paused” In Gaza…So They Can Pass Out Vaccines!

Speaking of fake, please do not get scammed by this!

Share this everywhere:

PLEASE Don’t Get Scammed By This New Trump “Liberty Badge” Internet Fraud!

This next one is about to be a household name:

Have You Heard About “Operation Sandman”? You Will Soon!

And don’t miss my latest interview with Bo Polny:

BO POLNY: Incoming “Worldwide 9/11” A Day To Be Remembered!

We end tonight with this gem….

Another MASSIVE endorsement:

President Trump Picks Up Another HUGE Endorsement! (23 Million + Followers!?)

Your friend,



I talk a lot about Gold but here’s something you might not know…

You might be able to get a LOT of it with no money out of pocket!

Yes, really.  

You know I don’t ever lead you astray!

You see, you might have a ton of money in a retirement account in volative stocks and bonds.

I’m not a financial advisor, but that may not be the best thing for you right now….and maybe Gold is a much safer play for you.

You could move some or all of that into Gold and protect yourself without having to pay a dime out of pocket.  

 to see exactly how…



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