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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/20/23
Another huge day, been working almost nonstop and just now coming up for air!

Hey everyone,
Noah here with you Wednesday night Newsletter.
Another huge day, been working almost nonstop and just now coming up for air!
One of my favorite parts of the day is when I get to take a pause from all our reporting and gather up my favorite stories and email all of YOU with this Newsletter.
And we start tonight with this wild one:
I’m not sure what to make of it, but would love to hear your thoughts….
Next up, Trump was in Iowa today and received a Hero’s Welcome:
If you missed it, I Live Streamed the full speech earlier today and you can see it here:
I’ve been noticing they’re really censoring that video for some reason, so if that doesn’t work try this link.
Next we have Lin Wood and reports today that he “flipped” on Trump.
I’m not buying it, or at least I don’t see any evidence of it…yet.
And Lin himself has strongly denied it.
My take and the full report here:
Next up it seemed a good time to revisit this:
SPOTLIGHT: The Al Smith Roast Was Donald Trump’s Official “Declaration of War” on the Deep State
This next one is really powerful…
Have you seen this?
Now, when the Next Planned-Demic hits, will you be ready?
Are you prepared?
One simple thing you can do RIGHT NOW:
And remember the “Alien” in Mexico from last week?
The literal Little Green Men?
Well, today we get the results of the first tests:
Scientists Finish Tests On Alleged Alien Bodies…Read The Results Here
I give you my take in that article about what I think this is all about….and what happens next.
Isn’t it just SUCH a coincidence that the “Aliens” as shown in all the movies and pop culture dating back to at least the 1950s are EXACTLY what we are now seeing presented to us?
What are the odds?
And if you saw some weird stuff from Don Jr. today, this is why:
Donald Trump Jr. Hacked? – “My Father Donald Trump Has Passed Away”
Heads up on a big alert next….
Make sure you are ok:
And speaking of ok, think you are safe with your money in a bank?
One of the least safe places to have it.
Read this:
And don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
That’s all for tonight.
See you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
Got something new and fun for you tonight.
So many goodies in here….enjoy!
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