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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/21/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.
Before we get started, one more request for your help to defeat the censorship that has recently ramped up against us!
A big “thank you” in advance for your assistance…
We are facing EXTREME censorship right now.
Every day recently my inbox is flooded with people saying they aren’t getting this newsletter in their email.
“Why did you stop sending your Newsletter?” (I got FIVE of those just today!)
I didn’t.
It’s just being censored.
And most people can’t even find it in Junk/Spam/Promotions folders either.
Just gone — poof!
Kind of like what they do to Republican voter ballots.
But we can fight back here.
I need your help with two things please…
Even if you’ve never had a problem with my email arriving to your inbox, I need your help especially!
Because only the people reading this will ever get this message.
A real chicken & egg problem.
Here’re the first thing I need you to do…
I need you to search your email, especially Junk/Spam/Promotions tabs, and find anything from me (search for: [email protected]).
Every single email you find, even if they’re old, mark them as Not Junk!
Each time you do that, it sends a message to the email companies saying you like my email and want to receive it.
If you do it for every single email of mine you find, and if thousands of you all do it, we should be the Al-Gore-Rhythms and they will be forced to start delivering our emails honestly.
That’s #1.
Please take a moment to do it right now.
#2 – please add my email address ([email protected]) to your address book and whitelist it.
That also helps a lot.
Last, #3 please remember this: if you ever don’t receive my email, you can always find this Newsletter at TruthLion.com.
Right there at the top of the homepage, organized by date.
In fact, I recommend you bookmark it.
Remember, I send a Newsletter every single day (I miss 1-2 days a year, max), so if you don’t get one it means they’re messing with us and we must have printed too much truth that day.
Thanks again, taking 2-3 minutes to help us with this tonight will make a HUGE difference — not just for me, but for all of the people who keep emailing me every day upset that they don’t get to read this.
We start tonight with a massive development in the Middle East….and a Massive BOMB!
Some are saying it was a Nuke or a Tactical Nuke:
Next we go to President Trump’s massive Rally in North Carolina:
Trump Force One Conducts Impressive Flyover of North Carolina Rally Crowd
The man is unstoppable!
He’s in his late 70s and he has the energy of a 20 year old!
But the real star of the show tonight was his Grandson, Luke:
President Trump’s Grandson Luke Takes The Stage, Steals The Show!
What an awesome moment!
Next up we have this:
Union That Represents IRS Agents Makes Presidential Endorsement
Is that even legal?
Folks, that should tell you all you need to know….the (weaponized) IRS wants Kamala Harris.
If you don’t want 87,000 IRS agents mobilized against you, VOTE TRUMP!
Speaking of the IRS and corrupt financial systems, you have to see this next one…
It’s the sequel to The Greatest Show On Earth.
Such a great film, both of them!
The first one explained HOW we got here….
This one now explains WHY we are here….and the answer, as always, is follow the money!
This is truly a Must See:
The Greatest Show On Earth Part 2: “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”
Next we go to Clif High for another Must See…
This is what’s coming next, and it lines up exactly with everything I’ve been telling you for years!
See here:
This was a pretty incredible candid moment caught on video:
WATCH: Vivek Forces CNN’s Van Jones To APOLOGIZE For Unhinged Comments That Endangered His Family
Do you trust Van Jones?
Vivek is such a class act, I continue to be impressed the more I see of him.
And this ABC News Whistleblower story is NOT going away…
In fact, there’s now an official SEC complaint filed:
Whistleblower Alleges ABC Gave Kamala Harris Debate Questions, Files SEC Complaint
Reminder that if you need a job, do not miss my LIVE REPLAY I’m doing on Monday night.
It’s 100% free to come, but you do have to register.
This will be your last chance to get in, do not miss it:
And we end with our top story….
Something you are probably not ready to see, but I spent a lot of time doing a deep dive Fact-Check on this and the results I found surprised even me.
See it here:
FAKED: Chinese Zoo Admits Pandas Were Actually “Painted Dogs”
Have a great rest of your evening!
Your friend,
When I was in High School, I would read the USA Today from the school library each day, cover-to-cover while I was supposed to be studying.
School bored me, but I always loved the news! Especially the USA Today, which mixed news and opinion and entertainment.
I suppose it’s no big surprise I now do this for a living!
But there was one part in the USA Today called “King’s Things” and it was written by Larry King.
“Written” is a bit of a stretch, it was basically Twitter before Twitter, where Larry King would share some random 1-2 sentence observation or opinion with the country. Whatever was on his mind.
It’s kind of how I’ve always viewed this “p.s.” section of the Newsletter…I like to give you a fun little blurb about something, but instead of being totally random I like to make it something I think you’ll enjoy or benefit from.
Larry King had “King’s Things” so I’m thinking maybe I should call this section “Noah’s Nuggets”! That’s got a good ring to it.
Anyway…I tell you all of that to tell you tonight’s Nugget might seem super random, but I’m telling you anyway because I absolutely love it and want you to know about it: my new favorite toothpaste.
Yes, really.
I’ve always hated toothpaste, my whole life!
The gross way it foams in your mouth…
The gross mint flavor…
The Fluoride…
Hated everything about it!
Until finally at age 35 I found this — it’s called Revitin:
No mint, a nice citrus flavor instead!
No foam, just non-foamy cleaning, similar to the stuff they use at the dentist’s office.
No Fluoride!
And none of this either:
I’m not a paid spokesperson for the company….they don’t even know I exist.
I’m just a customer.
And I honestly love the stuff so much I am telling you about it in tonight’s “Noah’s Nugget”!
None of the bad stuff, but all of the good stuff like this:
Anyway, there you go!
The longest “Noah’s Nugget” in the history of this Newsletter but I had to tell the world!
If you want to try it, you can find it using my Amazon Associates link by tapping right here.
Yes, I know it’s a tad expensive.
And do me one favor, if you do try it out shoot me an email and let me know what you think!
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