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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/3/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Labor Day edition of the Newsletter.

We start tonight with something truly horrible:

Woman Sunbathing On Beach Ran Over By Police Cruiser

Can you imagine thinking you’re just gonna lay out and get some sun at the beach and suddenly a car has driven over you?


Also terrible is what happened in the stock market today:

KAMALA CRASH: Stock Market Sees $1 TRILLION Wiped Out In Another Bloody Monday

I keep warning you!

This is only the start….

Much bigger crashes to come!

It’s exactly why all the big Central Banks have been buying GOLD!

They’re buying gold and they want to trap you owning stocks at the top of the market.

Get it yet?

REPORT: Central Banks Preparing To “Revalue Gold” Price

This finally came out today and it’s wild:

BREAKING: Complete 90 Page Manifesto of Nashville Shooter RELEASED

Next up, why do the Democrats always have all the Chinese Spies on their staff?

Seriously, isn’t this like the 10th one we’ve found?

BREAKING: Former Aide To New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Charged With Acting As An Agent Of The Chinese Government

Speaking of horrible people, what happens when you try to falsely frame and remove a sitting President?

You get PAID!


But only if you’re part of the Deep State, that’s your reward:

JUST IN: Peter Stzrok and Lisa Page PAID $1.5 MILLION Dollars From The Department of Justice!

This was really interesting to see….

This was real:

Comedian WAKES UP To The Fact California Is Lost: “This is Los Angeles…”

This absolutely cracked me up….

Captain Deplorable is the best:

“TRUMP” Goes To McDonalds Looking For Kamala Harris…

Have you seen this?

Jovan Pulitzer reminded me of this recently when he was on my show, and if you’ve never seen it before you absolutely have to:

WATCH: The Divine “Spark of Life” FLASH That Happens At Conception!

And we finally got this answer today:

President Trump Explains Why He Didn’t “LOCK UP” Hillary Clinton

Are the Hells Angels going to Colorado?


But if they do, it will only be because of this:

REVEALED: The ONE Thing That Would Bring The Hells Angels To Colorado

Back to the stock market and gold for a minute….

You might want to see this:

Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to $10-20,000 an ounce!”

And we end with something VERY strange….

Look, I’m not saying I believe they are the same person, but I challenge you to watch this video and not be blown away.

I also challenge you to use your critical thinking skills!

Challenge what you are told…

Ask questions….

Think critically….

Challenge the “mainstream” narrative:

Benicio Del Toro = Brad Pitt?

Pretty wild, right?

Your friend,



Sometimes the best thing you can do is get information…

Educate yourself!

That’s why I love my job so much, because I get to help get the TRUTH out there each and every day.  

So powerful.

And one thing I talk a lot about is Gold.

You probably know I love it (because it’s God’s Money) but you may not know exactly WHY or how powerful it is. 

If you’d like to learn more, TAP HERE to grab this completely free 12-Page Gold Guide from my friends at Genesis Gold, I think it will help you a lot — or just go direct to (that’s my page):



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