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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/30/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

As I’m typing this, we have breaking news that a 45-day short term spending bill has been passed, averting the shutdown:

HUGE disappointment.

I wanted this corrupt institution shut down and the longer the better!

McCarthy caved, or perhaps didn’t “cave”….just showed his true colors siding with the Dems and the Deep State.


He has breached his agreement!

Let’s go Gaetz….time to vacate him!

The deal reportedly removes ongoing Ukraine funding in those 45 days, but Bannon reports that a separate side deal was reached on that:

If so, that’s just absolute more backstabbing by McCarthy.

This guy really is bad news!

We’ll have more on this story later tonight and tomorrow….

The strangest thing happened during the “negotiations”….

This Dem pulled a Firm Alarm, seemingly in an attempt to derail any progress:

Capitol Police Catch Democrat Lawmaker Pulling Fire Alarm

Will he get the J6 treatment?

Then two huge clips from our POTUS from yesterday in California:

President Trump: “We are not going to let them rig the election of 2024!”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Very simply, if you rob a store you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving the store…”

Elon Musk turned heads today with this one:

Elon Musk: “I have an arsenal of weapons…”

And what have I been shouting about for weeks now?


Here’s why:

Costco Gold Selling Out Within Hours…

Just remember, we told you first!

We were ahead of Costco!

AND…most importantly, I can still get you much better pricing than you can get at Costco — and no 2 oz limit either.

Here’s why it’s so important:

The EXACT Plan To Kill The U.S. Dollar REVEALED

This next one from Kash is huge:

Kash Patel: The House Has The Power To Start Making Arrests With 150 Year Old Law…

I’ve told you about that before, but Kash just brought it up again so I am too!

This next one makes me furious….

OSHA: “We Never Demanded Anyone Be Fired!”

You kidding me?

I was there, I lived through it!

I VIVIDLY remember!

And there were HUGE fines for anyone who did not comply!

That man is PURE EVIL.


Related: this is fascinating:

Watch How Ivermectin KILLS Parasites Live Under The Microscope!

And we learned more about this today:

UPDATE: Reason For Brief Arizona Acting Governor Revealed?

We end with our top story….

If you’ve never seen this before, please enjoy:

Jonathan Cahn: Trump, Cyrus and a Prophetic Word Delivered At Mar-A-Lago

That’s a wrap for tonight!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 22,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

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