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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/8/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

Another day where I have way more than I can possibly show you, so a note first….

I recommend you Bookmark our homepage so you can always see all stories, including the ones I don’t have room to feature here each night:

Ok, let’s jump in, starting with a big update to this story from last night:

Kentucky Highway Shooting Suspect Identified — Everything We Know So Far

Closely related:

TERROR AVERTED: 12 Miles from U.S. Border – “Largest Attack Since 9/11”

And George W. Bush has weighed in on the 2024 election….

Your thoughts?

George W. Bush Issues Statement About 2024 Presidential Endorsement

This next one is fascinating!

I bet you didn’t know most of this (I didn’t):

The Mystery of the Statue of Liberty – The World’s Tallest Trojan Horse?

Big thanks to a reader for emailing me about this one today:

Prophetic Confirmation: Paula Deen and Lara Trump At Mar-a-Lago!

Then we had this wild quote from President Trump directly to Jamie Dimon today:

President Trump To Jamie Dimon: “A Couple of Nukes and Your Bank Doesn’t Mean a Thing!”

We talk a lot about Ivermectin around here (and for good reason), but you should also know about Hydroxychloroquine.

They censored you from being able to get any, which is all you need to know to realize it must be good for you.

Here’s how you can get some:

Dr. McCullough:  What You Need to Know about Hydroxychloroquine

Next up we go to two NFL stories, oddly enough.


NFL Star Detained, Handcuffed, Held Face Down On Concrete Just Hours Before Kickoff


Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show Performer Announced


Another act with no musical talent.

This is very worrysome:

Ex-CIA Advisor: “Kamala Set to Trigger Election Meltdown”

Heads up to all parents and grandparents out there….

Read this:

UPDATE: Recall Of Apple Juice Expands To 130,000+ Cases For Multiple Brands

I love how badly these guys keep failing…

And they don’t quit!

HILARIOUS: The Krassensteins FACE-PLANT Again! (NEW Article, Not a Repeat!)

And we end with our top story….

I actually watched this video and I have to ask if AOC was drunk when she recorded it?

AOC Takes Swipe At Former Presidential Candidate, Gets Humiliated In Video Response

Gotta run.

Your friend,



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