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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 10/21/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with a Noon Update for you!

So much happening, I wanted to get this out right now…

Starting with an admission that it’s NOT ridiculous at all to consider revoking the broadcast licenses for “Fake News”!

That’s not just my opinion, that’s an FCC Commissioner!

Read here:

BREAKING: FCC Commissioner Says It’s “Not Ridiculous” To Consider REVOKING CBS License!

This is absolutely tragic next….

Crimes against humanity:

Heartbreaking Story Of Five-Year-Old Child Who Developed ‘Severe Regressive Autism’ After Receiving MASS Vaccinations During Custody Battle

Keep those bodies healthy my friends!

Do the basics, like sleep, sunlight, Vitamin D, red meat and exercise:

Vitamin D — They’ve Been Lying To You All Along (Here’s The Truth)

Next up is something I’m going to put out there because so many of you have asked me about this….

Look, here’s the deal, none of us knows any of this for sure, right?

And I am one of Elon’s biggest fans, I love everything he’s doing.

But we’re supposed to be “wise as serpents” (and harmless as doves) so I do have to keep both eyes wide open.

I wrote this in response to a reader question today, but thought it would be good to share with everyone:

Elon Musk’s Nanny: “He’s not the Antichrist, but he will present the Mark”

Your thoughts?

I love this:

The Amish Are Not Sitting Out 2024 Election


And why is Tim Walz melting down so hard?

Tim Walz Shares Unhinged Reaction To President Trump’s Shift At McDonald’s

LOVED getting to chat with my new friend Pastor Artur Pawlowski recently….

Trust me, don’t miss this one:

“GET OUT!!!” — Canada’s Pastor Artur Pawlowski EXPOSES It All On My Show

And we end with our top story….

If you need work, I need help on my team!

Yes, really.

Maybe it will be a match made in heaven?

Details here:

NEED WORK? Come Find Out How You Can MAKE MONEY Working With Me (Noah) By Kicking The Deep State’s BUTT!

Oh, one more thing….

Also in response to many reader emails, many of you have asked for this link again, so here it is:

CUT THE CORD: Ditch Cable, Get VuTV+ — Put $150 Back In Your Pocket Each Month!

Your friend,



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Here’s why I’m telling you this….

Because as we head into the 2024 election, I’m already noticing our emails are getting censored a LOT more often.

Getting many reports of people being unsubscribed against their will or just simply not receiving the emails even though they have signed up multiple times!

Crazy right?

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