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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 10/30/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with huge breaking news Noon Update for you!
You’re not going to believe our lead story….
Check this out:
BREAKING: ABC Goofs Up, Broadcasts Results of the Election Early — KAMALA WINS!
Yes, it’s real.
And the station has issued a statement in response.
Then we have this, potentially an even bigger bombshell:
Former Congressman Drops BOMBSHELL Allegation Against Kamala Harris
Folks, will this story eventually drop right before the election?
Oh my!
And what do we have next….
Just another OOPSIE DOOPSIE:
Oops! Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Leaks Voting Passwords Online
Sorry about that!
Awwww shucks!
Folks, let’s boil it all down and just get right to it….is this what they really want?
CIA Advisor Warns: “This is the beginning of the 2025 Civil War”
Is that what they’re pushing us into?
And we end with our top story….
Please pray this breaks down fast:
A THIRD Storm Coming, Hurricane Patty: Set To Arrive By Election Day
Before I go, am I the only person noticing inflation is out of control?
Every single email I open up or piece of mail I get from the mailbox is someone with their hand out for another $500!
“Hi Noah, I know last year we charged you $150 for this service, but now it’s $500. Here’s your bill. Payment is due now.”
“Hi Noah, I know last month you paid $205, but our service now costs $350.”
It’s like $500 is just the new minimum anyone charges for anything and it’s out of conrol!
If you’re noticing that too, there might be one way I can help….
I can at least get you connected with this and that should save you about $1,500-2,000 per year!
Details here:
CUT THE CORD: Ditch Cable, Get VuTV+ — Put $150 Back In Your Pocket Each Month!
See you back here tonight for our full Nightly Newsletter. Already working on some big things!
Your friend,
Do you have one of these?
In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!
Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed
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