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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 5/17/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday NOON update just like I’ve been doing all week.

I hope you are enjoying these!

As a reminder, I will soon open up an option so you can “Opt In” to these Noon Alerts.

86% of people told me they loved them and wanted to Opt In, but I know that leaves 14% that prefer to only get the Nightly Newsletter.

So you’ll get that option very soon!

For now, here’s the last of my Noon Newsletters for this week.

Breaking this morning, we start with this:

WATCH: President Trump Gets Congressional Reinforcements In Court Battle!

I absolutely LOVE seeing that!

It's about time!

More support here:

Jim Jordan: The Cases Against TRUMP Are ‘Falling Apart’

He's 100% right too.

Then we have one that troubles me....

Ann, come on now, you're better than this -- or at least you should be!

Ann Coulter: Can’t Vote For Vivek, He’s Too Brown!

And we end with the biggest alert from this morning....

What do you think he knows that you and I don't know?

You do realize he's "in the club" and very plugged in, right?

Follow what he does!

JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Preparing For High Risk — “Things Go Terribly Wrong”

Ok, that's all for now.

See you all back here tonight where I'll have the FULL report.

Your friend,



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