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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 8/15/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday NOON edition of the Newsletter.

Things continue to move fast, so I’m bringing you this mid-day report.

First up, Democrats have two major plans right now….Court Packing and Country Packing!

Here’s exactly why:

Federal Gov’t Fast-Tracking NEW VOTERS: “Every Citizenship Application Could be a Vote”

Now let’s talk NESARA and GESARA….

I am sorry to everyone who is placing their entire hopes and dreams on this, but I don’t want you to be led astray.

I know this will make many of you angry, but I have to tell you the truth.

Read here:

WE INVESTIGATE: The Upcoming Great Reset — Is It NESARA?

Instead of hoping on a magical “NESARA” to roll in and wipe away all your debt, end the IRS, and wave a magical unicorn fairy dust wand over every problem in the country, may I humbly suggest this may be a better option:

Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope

Now we talk Kamala….

And the “D Word”.

I think it fits, how about you?

President Trump: “OFF THE CUFF”, Frenemies, and the “D” Word

If the shoe fits….

And we end with our top story:

Will Trump Be Sentenced to Prison on Sept. 18?

Coming soon!

Buckle up folks, it’s about to get rough….

Going to be a very rough ride through the end of this season, but I think you’re going to love how it eventually ends.

Stay tuned!

I’ll see you back here tonight for the FULL report just like normal.

Your friend,



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Crazy right?

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