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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 9/25/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with a breaking news alert….

In a bombshell report out this morning, all the truth is coming out about the Secret Service failures, and it’s WAY worse than we thought:

New Secret Service Report: They Had “One Hour” Of Training — Had To Call “Tech Support” For Help!

In fact, it’s still ongoing and only getting worse!

Bet you didn’t hear about this:

Trump Had To Cancel Wisconsin Event Due To Secret Service Not Having Enought Assets To Secure Event

Next up, how is this legal?

I’m no legal expert, but is this not a blatant violation of the “Takings Clause” of the US Constitution?

Alex Jones’ INFOWARS To Be Sold, Auctioned Off

This is a pretty incredible story, and now you see why I continue to tell you about this….

Because among 5 million months readers here, we might just save a life or two!

POWERFUL: In Wake of a Disaster, Woman Says Special Emergency Medical Kit Saved Her LIFE!

Then we have this stunner….

Speaking of “how is this legal?” — Michael Cohen is planning on adopting a new identity, getting a foreign passport, and fleeing the country if Trump wins!

Say what now?

Michael Cohen Planning To Flee USA: “Working On New Passport With Different Name If Trump Wins!”

Ok, I’ll have a lot more later tonight, but that’s your breaking report for noon.

Don’t forget to join me LIVE with Bo Polny in just a few minutes!

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Your friend,



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