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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Wants to Use Behavioral Scientists to “Encourage” More New Yorkers to Take the COVID-19 Jabs



While some thought Eric Adams could potentially be an upgrade from Bill de Blasio, I always knew it was false hope.

In fact, I had my hunch he would be even worse.

In recent days, New Yorkers have received a small taste of De Blasio 2.0.

On his first day of office, Adams signed two executive orders that retained New York City’s state of emergency and Key to the City order.

Adams revealed shameless hypocrisy by shunning an in-person meeting with anti-mandate activists, assuming he would meet with unvaccinated individuals.

Yet, Adams rode the subway with potentially other unvaccinated New Yorkers and met with BLM of Greater New York (whose chapter leader is against mandates).

During a New Year’s Day press conference, Eric Adams revealed other horrifying plans to coerce more New Yorkers into taking the COVID-19 jabs.

He stated the city would bring in behavioral scientists to learn why particular communities are less willing to receive the experimental injections.

There’s a simple explanation for the segregationist and medical tyrant masquerading as a mayor.

Many people aren’t willing to participate in a medical experiment where a biological agent is injected into their arm with potentially life-threatening side effects.

That’s the only analysis Adams needs, but he’s wearing Big pharma sponsors on his suit.

Watch the full press conference below:



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