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Saule Omarova Is Reason Enough To Impeach Biden



Saule Omarova is a communist.

Let that sink in for a second: the ‘President’s’ nominee for Comptroller of the Currency is a communist born in the evil Soviet empire….Ronald Reagan is rolling around in his grave right now.

If that alone wasn’t enough to call her character into question, then maybe what I am about to share will…

According to recent reports, Omarova was arrested in 1995 for retail theft.

Many people took the time to mock Omarova, pointing out the irony of a communist arrested for the crime of theft.

Biden should be impeached for his decision to take a communist, a literal communist, and attempt to make her Comptroller of the Currency for a 1st world capitalist country.

It’s almost as if he isn’t of sound mind to make these decisions….

Here’s what we currently know:

Fox News writes:

The White House defended Omarova’s nomination in a statement to Fox News, saying the nominee has been “fully transparent” about the incident throughout her career.

“To be clear, Saule has been fully transparent about this incident her entire career, including to the Senate, in applications, and when she worked at the Treasury Department during the Bush Administration,” the spokesperson said. “This case was ultimately dismissed in January 1996 – more than 25 years ago – and was the result of a misunderstanding and confusing situation.”

CNBC had more on her upcoming examination by lawmakers:

Lawmakers are all but certain to grill Omarova over unconventional ideas she’s advocated, including magnifying the power of the Federal Reserve to include consumer banking and sweeping checks to the power of the likes of JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

While Republicans, including Ranking Member Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, have long warned against recommending a candidate whose academic work calls to “end banking as we know it.”


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