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Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Signs Bill Criminalizing Abortion Pills by Mail



Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (R) signed legislation that would criminalize manufacturers, suppliers, pharmacies, physicians, qualified physicians, or other persons providing an abortion-inducing drug via courier, delivery, or mail service.

House Bill 2416 was sponsored by Representative Debra Moody and passed last month in the state Senate 26-4 vote.

The Tele-Med Abortion Pill Ban has become law with Lee’s signature and will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023.

“An individual who intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly violates this bill commits a Class E felony and, upon conviction, will be fined an amount not to exceed $50,000, be imprisoned for a term not to exceed 20 years, or both. A criminal penalty will not be assessed against a patient upon whom a chemical abortion is attempted or performed,” according to the new law.

Read more about HB 2416 HERE.

NewsChannel5 reported:

Gov. Bill Lee signed legislation Thursday that would criminalize a person for obtaining abortion pills via a mail delivery service.

The law would mean a Class E felony charge with the potential for a fine. Amended out, the original bill had up to a 20-year prison sentence.

As written, the law wouldn’t criminalize a physician providing an abortion pill to a pregnant person.

“A qualified physician providing an abortion-inducing drug must examine the patient in-person and, prior to providing an abortion-inducing drug verify and determine certain information, as specified in this bill, and inform the patient that the patient may see the remains of the unborn child in the process of completing the abortion,” the language stated.



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