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Unvaccinated Nurses Open Wellness Centre in Kamloops, British Columbia; Facility Already Shut Down



Could this be the future of healthcare?

Alternative medical facilities that don’t discriminate against those who refused the experimental COVID-19 jabs.

One such location recently opened in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.

Named Ezra Wellness, the private clinic’s 91-member staff included 70 fired or suspended unvaccinated nurses.

The clinic’s message was clear; their staff doesn’t care if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated.

They don’t discriminate against anyone.

Global News had info on the clinic:

Unvaccinated nurses all over the province are no longer permitted to work for British Columbia health authorities.

Kamloops nurses who did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine are using their job loss as an opportunity to start up Ezra Wellness on Tranquille Road.

“We’re not being allowed to help. We were told we weren’t wanted, we weren’t needed — and yet, we know we are,” said team lead Glenn Aalderink.

Ezra Wellness is still developing its platform, but the clinic says it hopes to ease some of the strain on emergency rooms by assessing patients and offering guidance.

It will operate as a private clinic and, as of right now, services are free and nurses are volunteering.

“I saw that there was going to be a need for those of us who choose not to follow the official mandates — to seek their own health care,” Aalderink said.

Unvaccinated or vaccinated, Aalderink says everyone is welcome at Ezra Wellness. He says the goal was to create a safe space for unvaccinated people to receive health care.

Unfortunately, the clinic didn’t last long and shut down due to a dispute with the property owner.

The building owner stated the space was sub-leased by another tenant without permission and disapproved the lease.

Ezra Wellness had their sign removed from the storefront and began searching for a different location for their non-discriminatory clinic.

From Castanet:

Ezra Wellness opened its doors on Oct. 26. On Monday, its signage had been removed and Glenn Aalderink, the nurse who started it, said it had to do with a dispute with the building owner.

Brendan Shaw, a city realtor who owns the building at 552 Tranquille Rd., said the space was sub-leased by another tenant without permission.

“We were not consulted in advance by our tenant regarding the use of this space, so I immediately had a conversation with our tenant because we have a no sub-lease clause in place and this is not an allowable option,” Shaw said in a statement.

“With each of our commercial tenants, we have a process we follow to vet and approve all tenants.”

Shaw said part of that is making sure tenants are able to meet legal, financial and insurance requirements.

“Without having gone through this process and because we have a no sub-lease clause in place, we cannot reasonably give approval on a lease,” he said.

Aalderink said the space he had been operating out of was donated by The Printing Place, which is one of Shaw’s tenants at 552 Tranquille Rd.

Regardless of the outcome for Ezra Wellness, its concept will surely spread to other parts of Canada and countries abroad.

As discrimination against unvaccinated individuals continues, the demand for alternative medical facilities will increase.

And healthcare workers fired from their jobs can fulfill this demand by opening their own practices and treating all patients with zero discrimination.

Expect more facilities like Ezra Wellness to open soon.



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