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16 Year Old Girl Suspended & Arrested For Not Wearing Mask At Wyoming School



I often hear that COVID tyranny only occurs in liberal states.

That red states are free from nonsense like masks and restrictions.

Sadly, red states aren’t exempt from this madness and still have pockets of COVID control freaks.

So, I must call it out when it happens.

This story comes from my favorite state, Wyoming.

It involves a courageous 16 year old girl refusing to comply with a mask mandate at her school.

She stands her ground and refuses to capitulate to medical tyrants.

Following her non-compliance to the Orwellian mandate, she was suspended and arrested.

Watch below:

I’ve read through comments and it appears Albany County, and its county seat Laramie, is one of the few liberal pockets of Wyoming.

According to the November 2020 election results, Albany County showed a slight edge for Biden/Harris.

48.84% for Biden/Harris

46.08% for Trump/Pence

So, Albany County isn’t a hyper-partisan location and has a mixture of political viewpoints.

However, the politicians, public health officials, and police force in power displayed an egregious violation of individual rights.

Watching the video above clearly indicates COVID tyranny in full force.

This brave girl stood up to tyrants, and I commend her for standing her ground.

If more young Americans don’t fight for their rights, we’ll have more educational institutions treating them like criminals.

The New York Post picked up the story:

A Wyoming high school student who said she refused to wear a mask on several occasions in defiance of a district mandate was arrested for trespassing and caused a brief lockdown, police and school officials said.

Grace Smith, a 16-year-old junior at Laramie High School, was put in handcuffs Thursday after serving two consecutive two-day suspensions at the school for violating the district’s mask mandate, the Laramie Boomerang reported.

Smith, who believes the rule put in place last month violates her constitutional rights, had been warned by administrators she faced two days of suspension and a misdemeanor trespassing citation every time she balked at wearing a face covering.

“I just left,” Smith told the newspaper of what she did after her first suspension. “Then, after talking to our attorney, we decided to push it, so on Tuesday I didn’t [leave] and took the citation for $500 and left.”

The Laramie Boomerang added this:

By not leaving, she was ticketed by the Laramie Police Department for trespassing. After serving a two-day suspension, she returned Thursday and again was ticketed for trespassing.

When she still refused to leave the school, saying she has a right to be there, she was arrested. A pair of LPD officers had Smith put her hands in front of her, placed her in handcuffs and transported her to the police station in downtown Laramie, where Smith was released. The episode was captured on video by Smith on her phone and shows the interactions were calm and respectful on all sides.

While she knew another $500 citation was coming her way, Smith said she was surprised the incident evolved to include a schoolwide lockdown and her arrest, especially as she wasn’t making a scene, wasn’t yelling and had made no threatening comments or actions.



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