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186 Legislators Demand 50 State Audit



The 2020 election was rife with instances of fraud.

Whether it be the Georgia stadium incident, the findings of the Arizona audit, or the knowledge that voter rolls in several states contained scores of individuals who were not legally allowed to vote, the message is clear:

American voters have every single reason to be concerned, and to demand transparency for what occurred before, during, and after the 2020 election.

Still, the mainstream media and establishment politicians continue to peddle the claim that no evidence of voter fraud exists.

This is a far cry from the truth, and anyone paying attention senses that this is a fabrication. Whether or not the fraud was enough to overturn the election can be a subject for debate, but the idea that it didn’t occur at all is preposterous.

In response to the growing calls for election integrity and accountability, 186 legislators have signed a letter to the American people calling for a nationwide audit of all 50 states.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers tells us:

Newsweek had more on the letter:

The letter, shared via Twitter on Tuesday by Republican Arizona state legislator Wendy Rogers, claims that “our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election.”

“Sworn affidavits have accumulated from many states detailing rampant corruption and mismanagement in the election process,” the letter states. “Fraud and inaccuracies have already been shown through multiple audits and canvasses in multiple states, as well as through lawsuits challenging the validity of election results in several counties in multiple states.”

Other Representatives, political pundits, and journalists took to the internet to either provide evidence of voter fraud, or to share their views on the extreme likelihood that massive voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election:

RSBN shared what President Trump had to say on the topic:

“The Democrats are feasting on January 6th, with no Republicans on the Unselect Committee (Cheney and Kinzinger are not Republicans!) but they are refusing to even discuss the root cause of that protest, which was the insurrection that took place during the November 3rd Presidential Election,” said Trump.



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