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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/24/21



Hi friends!

Noah here….and it’s Thanksgiving Eve!

Have I told you Thanksgiving is tied for my favorite holiday?

Well, it is.

Now you know.

How about you?

My tie for #1 is Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Love to hear yours….

Also, what’s your favorite food on Thanksgiving?

Mine is stuffing.

I saw this today and thought it was fun…which one you kicking out?

I am showing #7 the door, and don’t come at my Green Been Casserole Nation!  I’m not listening!

There is NO room on my plate for Green Bean Casserole!

Before we hit the news, I’d love to have you connect with us over on Telegram.

You can follow our Page here:

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We have a lot of fun all day long over there and you can be with people of like mind!

Oh, and if you have any trouble getting connected, I wrote this short guide to help you out:

VERY IMPORTANT: Here’s How To Find Us On Telegram!

Ok, now let’s hit the news.

Starting with this…..major news as this story is NOT going away and only building steam:

186 Legislators Demand 50 State Audit

Then we have a true stunner.

This broke today according to a brand new report.

Sound like someone who was about to kill themselves?

Of course not:

Epstein Immediately Before Death: “I am not suicidal and I would never be!”


We haven’t forgotten about you and we haven’t forgotten about this!

More from Mike Lindell out today:

WATCH: Mike Lindell Speaks Out On Lawsuit Delay

Speaking of Mike, please consider doing some of your Christmas shopping at MyPillow!

Here’s how you can claim the discounts:

Support Mike Lindell and Get Your Christmas Shopping Done All At One Time!

And then we have our top story of the day.

Crazy….but true?

Can Benadryl & Milk Treat COVID-19?

And starting January, get ready to see everything in America literally grind to a halt if this happens.

This is scary folks:

Final Blow To America? Biden Just Announced a Vaccine Mandate For All Truckers!

And we end with something awesome….

Did the Left just step in a massive Trojan Horse?

President Trump is STRONGLY hinting that they did.

I love this:

TROJAN HORSE? Bernie Kerik’s Jan 6th Committee Subpoena May Open The Door To Exposing Voter Fraud!

Shoot my a reply and let me know what you thought of tonight’s Newsletter!

And have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving from me to all of you!

Your friend,



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