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2.5 Million American Truckers Threaten to Quit If Biden’s COVID-19 Jab Mandate is Enforced



America currently faces a supply chain crisis and a truck driver shortage.

Supply ships remain backlogged at Los Angeles ports, and the lack of manpower has made the transport of goods extremely difficult. 

Yet, Biden intends to compound this supply chain catastrophe by mandating the COVID-19 jab on truck drivers around America. 

But there’s a tiny problem Biden faces with his tyrannical decree on America’s truck drivers. 

Over 1/3 said “hell no” to Biden’s COVID-19 requirement to retain their job. 

37% of truck drivers threatened to quit if Biden’s unconstitutional mandate goes into effect starting January 4th. 

Although judicial review continues, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked OSHA from enforcing Biden’s COVID-19 jab mandate.  

However, truck drivers have already taken their stance against medical tyranny. 

Enforcement of the mandate would spell unimaginable calamity for the U.S. supply chain. 

2.5 million truckers quitting their jobs would plunge Americans into Biden’s “Dark Winter” prediction. 

The Washington Examiner shared details:

ATA is the nation’s largest trucking trade group. Spear testified in front of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on supply chain problems.

America is currently short approximately 80,000 truckers compared to pre-pandemic levels. If Biden’s Jan. 4 vaccine deadline is enforced, the industry will lose 37% of its truckers, or 2.5 million people, according to an ATA survey.

The survey “came back as 37% of drivers not only said ‘no,’ but ‘hell no,’” Spear testified. “It’s not about being anti-vax — we’ve been moving the vaccine test kits.”

Rep. Doug LaMalfa, a California Republican, told the Washington Examiner that the supply chain is a disaster because both Biden and Gov. Gavin Newsom are more focused on climate change and vaccinating children. The Los Angeles ports, the busiest in the Western Hemisphere, are backed up with 106 supply ships waiting to unload off the coast, according to the latest figures.

Watch ATA President Chris Spear’s testimony to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee below:



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