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Calgary Climate Plan Calls for 60% of Residents to Get Around by “Walking, Wheeling or Transit” by 2050



Calgary’s newly published climate plan aims for all vehicles registered in the city by 2050 to have zero emissions and for 60% of residents to get around by “walking, wheeling or transit.”

The Calgary Climate Strategy Pathways to 2050 was submitted to Tuesday’s Community Development Committee.

True North had the scoop:

One of its goals – to reach “zero carbon neighbourhoods” – predicts that “100% of all vehicles registered in Calgary (will be) zero emissions vehicles.”

“Electric vehicles are the leading technology for emissions reductions and cost savings, however there are other technology options that may become a greater opportunity in the future, such as hydrogen vehicles,” the report claims.

“Strategies that focus on incentivizing private electric vehicles are likely to disproportionately benefit middle-and-high-income individuals, so it is critical that the program design and implementation of this Program Pathway keeps equity considerations front of mind.”

The report also projects that “60% of all trips are taken by walking or wheeling or transit” by the year 2050.

“It’s not yet clear what the long-term effect of the pandemic will be on transportation patterns in Calgary,” the plan states. “However, high-quality, convenient and safe transit, walking and wheeling transportation options were consistently identified as a priority in the initial engagement with equity-deserving people and groups.”

“The City of Calgary should reinvest in infrastructure, frequent and convenient transit service, consistent and prioritized maintenance and snow clearing, and improved comfort and safety to achieve both climate action and equity objective.”

Calgary’s climate agenda follows the World Economic Forum’s plan for the masses.

‘You Will Own Nothing and be Happy’ is followed by ‘You Will Walk and Like It.’

The WEF doesn’t want useless carbon users owning private vehicles and wishes to enforce their delusional emission reduction strategy on the serfs.

But don’t expect the globalist scum to obey their own rules.

They’ll still have their private jets and yachts while telling you to walk around everywhere.




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