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Dr. Collins Admits N.I.H. Funded Gain Of Function Research?



After months of hearing reports to the contrary, we now have the truth….

Well, we almost have the truth.

Dr. Francis Collins, the director for The National Institutes of Health, recently appeared to confirm that the agency which he runs did in fact fund gain of function research….

However, Collins seemed to dance around his answer, choosing to play semantic word games about the meaning of gain of function research and terminology.

The term “gain of function research” is used to denote any research that increases a pathogen’s potency, or transmissibility, but here is what The N.I.H. currently defines it as, according to The Epoch Times:

“research that modifies an agent “so that it confers new or enhanced activity to that agent.”

As you can see, this is pure obfuscation, and these people are trying to dance around what happened. The documents are out, and we all know that Fauci lied….The N.I.H. and EcoHealth Alliance were funding gain of function research.

I also have to take the time to point out that Francis Collins recently resigned from his position….take that as you will.

Here’s what we currently know:

The halfway admission was reported by The Epoch Times:

Dr. Francis Collins appeared to acknowledge this week that the U.S. agency he heads funded gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan, China, which runs counter to claims he and a subordinate made earlier this year.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the agency Collins directs, revealed last week that money it gave to EcoHealth Alliance supported risky experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China that some experts said met the definition of gain-of-function.


Washington Examiner reports that Fauci still stands behind the false claims:

Fauci said, “I obviously totally disagree with Senator Paul. He’s absolutely incorrect. Neither I nor Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, lied or misled about what we’ve done,” adding, “he is not correct that we lied or misled the Congress.”

Lawrence Tabak, the NIH’s principal deputy director, said in a Wednesday letter that Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance provided a five-year progress report on bat coronavirus research conducted under an NIH grant.


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