Healthy HGV Driver Passes Away One Day After COVID-19 Booster Jab

“A healthy Derbyshire man died a day after receiving his Covid booster jab with a pathologist unable to find a cause of death,” DerbyshireLive reported.
Stuart Page, 57, died suddenly after he complained of a severe headache and pain in his lower left leg the day following his third COVID-19 shot.
Page, an HGV driver, returned home from work early due to feeling ill and when contacted by his partner later in the day, said “he felt like he was dying” and would take a bath.
Stuart Page, 57, died suddenly a day after receiving his Covid booster.
“He felt like he was dying” so he took a bath.
His partner came home and found him unresponsive in the bath.
— COVID VACCINE INJURIES .COM (@Storiesofinjury) May 14, 2022
DerbyshireLive reported:
East Midlands Ambulance Service described the events of the evening of Mr Page’s death: “She [his partner] came round later at 5.45pm to find that the house was fully secure so she used her own key. She heard running water coming from upstairs.
“She didn’t get a response so she went upstairs to the bathroom and found Stuart unresponsive in the bath. When she found Stuart the bathtub was over half full with extremely hot water in it.”
His partner attempted CPR until paramedics arrived to continue the resuscitation attempts, but received no response from Mr Page and he was pronounced deceased at the scene. A post-mortem examination was carried out by pathologist Dr Mann on December 14, with special neurological tests also being conducted by Professor Al-Sarraj at King’s College Hospital.
The inquest, which was held at Derby Coroner’s Court on May 12, heard that after receiving two doses of the Astrazeneca vaccination, Mr Page received his Moderna booster jab from the Pear Tree Pharmacy on December 8, 2021.
A coroner has ruled that there was no medical evidence to suggest that he died as a result of his Covid vaccination from the day before.
Despite the coroner not linking the COVID-19 jab to his death, Page was described “as a healthy individual, never smoked and he didn’t consume drugs. He rarely drank alcohol, really only on special occasions, and he enjoyed keeping fit. He had a balanced diet, and in terms of his health and wellbeing he was rarely ill and rarely complained of any issues. He had no diagnosed medical conditions and he only kept standard painkillers at his address.”
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