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Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Caught Lying About Child Omicron COVID-19 Deaths to Fearmonger Israeli Parents to Inoculate Children



Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged Israeli parents to inoculate their children against COVID-19 due to the scary omicron (moronic) variant. 

Bennett addressed the nation and explained the government’s two-prong operation to defeat the “scary” variant. 

Although Israel is preparing for its 4th COVID-19 injection, Bennett said vaccination would help defeat the omicron (moronic) variant. 

Bennett ramped up the fearmongering and told Israeli parents that the variant attacks children. 

He cited the deaths of two English middle school classmates who died from the omicron (moronic) variant. 

Watch Prime Minister Bennett’s address below:

There’s a major problem with Bennett’s claim that two English teenagers died of the new variant.

It’s a 100% fabricated lie.

In fact, there’s not a single documented death from the omicron (moronic) variant anywhere in the world right now.

And most Israeli omicron (moronic) cases have occurred in triple-vaccinated individuals.

In reality, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is on a power trip and Israelis should tell the lying tyrant to take a hike.

News analysts blasted Bennett for his blatant, fearmongering lie to the Israeli people.

The Israeli government sold its citizens to Pfizer before the COVID-19 inoculation drive, and the authoritarians are now after the children.

Thus, Bennett has to pump fear into parents to frighten them into inoculating their children.

But as Israel National News explains, Bennett got busted for his disgusting lie:

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett declared today (Sunday) at the opening of a the weekly Cabinet meeting that two British middle school students who had contracted the Omicron variant had recently died.

However, this did not occur, according to an investigation by Channel 12 News.

“The Omicron variant also attacks children. We see this in other countries and are also seeing this in Israel. Just this week two middle school classmates in England died from Omicron. One was not vaccinated at all, and the second, it seems, was only partially vaccinated. We are also seeing children being struck in Israel.” Bennett said.

Bennett’s words sounded puzzling in light of the World Health Organization’s announcement a few days ago that no deaths from the new variant spreading around the world have been identified so far. Also, reports from Europe have suggested that even on the continent, which has recently faced a wave of acute illness, no death or serious illness has been found among the hundreds of new cases of the variant.

Of course, Bennett’s staff had a quick excuse for the lie.

HAARETZ noted:

Bennett’s bureau said that the prime minister meant to refer to the coronavirus, and not specifically the omicron variant. “The prime minister discussed the deaths of the two British schoolboys, who contracted COVID and passed away shortly after,” the response said.

It added that omicron is still being studied and analyzed, and that “COVID is a virus that endangers human lives and health, including those of young people. The prime minister is concerned about the risk posed by COVID, its symptoms and long-term consequences on the health of Israel’s children, and calls on all parents to get their children vaccinated as soon as possible.”

On November 23rd, Israel started inoculating children in the 5-11 age bracket.

So far, 110,000 out of 1.2 million 5-11-year olds (9.17%) have received a COVID-19 injection.

But Prime Minister Bennett wants the country’s COVID-19 inoculation rate to increase 10-fold every day.

Hopefully, Israeli parents protect their children from this tyrant and dangerous medical experiment that presents zero benefits.



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