Joe Biden Gets COVID Booster Jab, Does This Look Real To You?

Hi friends,
NOAH here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.
A lot to cover tonight, let’s jump right in.
First up, we have two brand new prophetic updates from Timothy Dixon.
Please enjoy these:
Two New Prophetic Visions From Timothy Dixon
Next is a hilarious joke from Buddy Brown:
Buddy Brown’s Hilarious Joke About The Taliban!
You gotta take time to laugh sometimes and this was a good one!
And you’re gonna love this….
From football stadiums to concerts, people all across America are rising up with one voice in unison to say “F— JOE BIDEN!”
Joe, you getting the message yet?
Singer Aaron Lewis Leads Crowd in “F*** Joe Biden” Chant During Concert
Next up is something really personal and emotional, from my friend Bitcoin Ben.
Please don’t miss this one, the life you save might be someone close to you!
Man Gives Incredible Speech After Friend Dies of Heart Attack ONE DAY After The Jab!
I wanted to make sure you saw this next one….
We need all the good news we can get these days:
Utah Patriots Posted This New Banner On The 1-15 In Northern Utah!
And we end with the Resident….
Joe Biden allllllegedly got his COVID booster yesterday.
Imagine being so dumb that you’d sign up to get a third dose of something when the first two didn’t work!
But beyond that, what I want to focus on is if you think this looks real…..because it looks Fake as Hell to me.
Take a look:
Joe Biden Gets COVID Booster Jab, Does This Look Real To You?
What do you think?
Real or fake?
What’s with his head and that window?
Green screen?
My goodness, what a world we are living in.
Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.
I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
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