LEGALIZE IT: Oxygen, Organics, Faith, Freedom

Happy Freedom Friday my friends!
For the past 18 months, they’ve tried to make breathing oxygen illegal (mask up!)….
They’ve tried to make speaking the truth illegal (censorship and bans)…..
They’ve tried to make Christianity illegal (church shutdowns)….
They’ve tried to make your health illegal (force vaxxed)…..
But people have had enough.
We have a God-given right to FREEDOM….and it’s one of the big reasons we started Freedom Fridays!
To celebrate and remind people of that right.
And I can’t think of any shirt better to do that than this week’s $5 Freedom Friday shirt:
As always, these are $5 all day long only…..or until certain sizes run out.
We’ve been getting a lot of request for a dark blue shirt, and this one is perfect.
Dark blue, white…..and you pair this shirt with a red MAGA hat and you’re all set!
Don’t ya love it?
So to everyone who wanted to mask us, muzzle us, shut down our churches, poison our blood… all of you I say, you will NOT win.
We will NOT comply.
We will NOT go along with your depopulation campaign.
We are free and we’re going to proudly LEGALIZE FREEDOM!
Here is a size guide if you don’t know what size you are and want a shirt:
All purchases are always 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
If there is any problem, they will make it right.
Oh, and I always forget to say this, but if you want more than one shirt we got you covered….HUGE discounts if you buy more than one.
We’re shipping you the box already, so it doesn’t cost any more to slip in a couple extra!
Christmas gifts anyone?
Did you know it’s almost October already?
Where did this year go?
Let me know in the comments if you love this one as much as I do.
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