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MASSIVE RESULTS: Arizona Audit Is Election-Changing!



Hi folks,

NOAH here with your Friday evening Newsletter.

Things are moving incredibly fast today and there is much more to still come out, but right now I wanted to get you the first update.

As always, continue to check and as well as for all breaking news updates!

Now let’s jump in to the results…

First up, you can tune in to watch LIVE here:

Here’s How You Can Watch The Results of The Arizona Audit LIVE

Then we have this, which I do believe may be enough to swing the election to Trump ON ITS OWN:

AUDIT RESULTS: 17,322 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa, Totaling 34,448 “Votes”

And can it get any more obvious?

Pure fraud:

95% Illegible Ballot Signatures Came 4 Days After Election Day: “I’m Sure There’s an Explanation”

And they even found the receipts:

Receipts for the Deletes: Maricopa Deleted 85,673 Files (Including Ballots) between 10/28 and 11/05

This was one of my favorites:

Cyber Security Issues Found With Maricopa County Software PASSWORDS WERE NEVER CHANGED Since 2019

Ok, a few other huge pieces of news out today too….

Let’s start with two ladies from The View going down:

Two Hosts of The View Test Positive Despite Being Fully Vaxxed; Ushered Off Stage Mid-Show!

And our Freedom Friday shirt is a huge hit:

FROM NOAH: It’s Time To “Legalize Freedom”

Want one?

And I want to talk Ivermectin.

I just wrote a massive article explaining exactly how the MSM has lied to you.

It’s big.

And you need to see this:

TRUTH: The MSM Is Lying To You, Ivermectin Is SAFE and Approved For Human Use Since 1996!

Ok folks, that’s a wrap for now but stay tuned because a lot more is continuing to break!

Continue to check these outlets for breaking updates:

And if you want one of these, only a few hours left at $5.

While sizes last.

Check availability here 👇



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