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Man Has Kidney Transplant Delayed Because Donor Was Unvaccinated



Organ transplants are notoriously difficult to get.

The wait-list is long, and the pre-process checklist is arduous. Those lucky enough to finally secure a donor and make it to operation are beyond lucky, and the challenges don’t stop there.

A lack of a donor means certain death, and pushing the date back could also cause complications, and the latter is what happened to one Ohio man, who had his kidney transplant cancelled because his donor was unvaccinated.

Ask yourselves this one question: if this was truly about health, would this man’s organ transplant be denied over a lack of vaccination for a virus that has a 99% survivability rate?

Does this even make sense for a vaccine that does not stop transmission?

Here’s more on the story:

Mike Ganim had this to say via The New York Post:

Mike Ganin, 52, was five days away from his scheduled surgery when he received the news from the Cleveland Clinic about the new policy that would prevent him from accepting the donor’s kidney, news station WKYC reported.

“It made us feel like we were back to square one,” his wife, Debi, told the outlet. “I’ve been terrified. Sometimes I have my moments that I don’t think about it, but it comes back, and I think, ‘What’s going to happen?’”

It’s happened to others as well….

This consequence of medical tyranny seems to be popping up all over The United States.

As Ron Paul reports, one Colorado woman was denied a transplant for being unvaccinated:

Fox News had more on Mike Ganim:

Mike Ganim was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease at age 27, a condition that has covered his kidneys is cysts and causes pain, the outlet reported.

While Debi Ganim said she believes the hospital is gambling with her husband’s life, the Cleveland Clinic issued a statement to the station regarding its stance on the matter.

“For the living donor, preventing COVID-19 infection around the time of a surgical operation is crucial,” the statement reads, in part.



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