Mark of the Beast Rolled Out in Lithuania?

Many people have suggested the experimental COVID-19 jabs are the mark of the beast from the Book of Revelation.
At least in America, I’m not ready to make that bold statement.
The Bible states that nobody can buy or sell without the mark.
While medical tyranny has impacted several deep-blue cities, not all commerce is reserved for vaccinated individuals.
I would expect the banishment of unvaccinated from grocery stores and public transport in addition to the current medical segregation.
However, I will say what we’re witnessing in America is conditioning to accept the mark of the beast.
Way too many Americans are sleepwalking through COVID tyranny and will likely fold when things gets worse.
While there’s still time to wake up people, has that deadline passed in other countries?
Take Lithuania for example.
The small European nation of around 2.8 million people has already implemented a two-tier society.
And their situation dwarfs what we have in America.
After reading this Twitter thread, you may think COVID-19 passes are the mark of the beast.
Because it’s appalling how bad things have gotten in Lithuania.
Check it out:
My wife and I have been suspended without pay for 4 weeks.
We can't return to our jobs.
Not sure our employers would let us back.
Even if they did, our colleagues despise us, wish on social media for our death. Nothing we can do will ever erase that. We can't work there.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
We're not allowed to buy food in the local supermarket.
We may only shop in small stores with street-facing entrances which mainly sell food,pharma,glasses/contacts, or farming/pet supplies.
In our area, that effectively limits us to one small, expensive convenience store.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
We now buy food in old Soviet-style markets: outdoors, in parking lots, products sold on street, tiny tables, or from back of cars. Produce, eggs, cheese, meat, fish. Cash only. No Pass required.
Not as convenient as a supermarket. But it works for now. Life finds a way.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
We went to the dentist we've attended for years for an appointment for one of my children, but had to leave because I don't have a Covid Pass.
No other dentist in our area will see us. We've heard of dentists who treat people with no Pass, but they're far. So no dental care.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
We tried to print some papers in a copy shop. The staff refused us service without a Pass.
—We can't enter the library to browse books with our kids. That used to be one of our family's greatest pleasures. But we're not allowed any more because we don't have a Covid Pass.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
This pressure to submit is everywhere.
And it's overwhelming. Our ability to survive has been destroyed.
But no matter the suffering imposed and the hardships we must endure, we will never accept the descent into the authoritarianism which the Covid Pass represents.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
When Covid vaccinations were released, the original policy was education, trust, and informed consent to vaccinate targeted groups.
But policy changed in 2021: choice and trust was replaced by coercion and punishment.
You’ve shredded trust in public health for generations.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
Like many cases in history, our slide towards authoritarian control in 2021 – in Europe and throughout the world – has fueled, and been fueled by, hatred and othering which is encouraged by government and stoked by the media.
And it's ripping our society apart.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
Our winter is long,cold,dark. My wife and I don't have savings to last til spring.
But despite hardship,we decided resistance is our moral path. We want our kids some day to feel pride towards us, not disgust.
Freedom is fragile, and we must defend it. If not us, then who?
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
We do not stop you earning a living, though you stop us.
We do not ban you from buying food and clothing, though you ban us.
We do not hate you, though you hate us.
We do not banish you, though you banish us.
We do not wish death upon you, though you wish death upon us.
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
@threadreaderapp unroll
— Gluboco Lietuva (@gluboco) October 7, 2021
Lithuania became the first European country to enforce these severe COVID-19 restrictions in all society.
Here’s a video of Lithuania’s two-tiered society in action:
Lithuania is the first country in Europe to enforce Covid Pass restrictions in all the society. People without Covid Pass are banned from: supermarkets, shopping centers, stores, banks, restaurants, cafes, universities, gyms, libraries, repair services, haircuts, and much more
— Francesco (@Frances40996115) September 25, 2021
The Liberty Daily added commentary:
It’s brutal, and anyone who thinks this could only happen in places like Lithuania isn’t paying attention. It can and in many ways already is happening in the United States, and it’s getting worse every day.
On four of the last five interviews I’ve done, the hosts asked me if I thought the various Covid passes and the eventual universal pass are the mark of the beast from Revelation. I don’t know, nor do I believe anyone outside of God’s Holy Host or Satan’s Principalities and Powers can know for sure. What we do know from our own eyes and common sense is that this all seems too similar to dismiss as coincidence.
My personal belief is that this is all a precursor, a conditioning for the near-future roll-out of a pass (mark) that will be worldwide and universal. I have expanded thoughts on the logistics and lies that will be put into place to make it happen that I won’t go into here. I also believe that it will be willful engagement that differentiates the final iteration. In other words, the people will be fully aware that what they’re doing goes against the teachings of the Bible and they will choose promises of comfort and security in this life over the warnings of what that entails.
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Did Lithuania roll out the mark of the beast?
Or, is this a precursor to what will be the mark?
How long until the United States resembles this?
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