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Noah’s MORNING Newsletter – 7/9/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday morning Newsletter.

As promised, I’m going to try and bring you a shorter MORNING Newsletter whenever I can because the news is so loaded right now and moving so fast that I want to keep you timely updated.

The first thing you want to make sure you don’t miss is President Trump on Hannity talking about a wide-range of issues, but in particular his VP pick:

Trump Discusses VP Pick In NEW Interview With Sean Hannity

This is extremely concerning:

Punished for Donating to Your Local Church?

Can you even imagine?

For any of you with daughters or grand-daughters, you need to see this.

Like….right now.

In fact, you probably should bookmark it and email it to yourself so you don’t lose it:

REPORT: Infertility Issues? READ THIS NOW!

PRO TIP: At the top and bottom of every article is this SHARE BAR…

I highly recommend you email an article to yourself whenever you want to make sure you don’t lose something.

It’s the second button in from the right, looks like an envelope, that’s how you email it to yourself:

Then we have this scary moment:

Watch Out Below! Another Boeing LOSES A Piece of Itself on Take Off

It’s absolutely AWFUL to fly right now, taking your life into your hands every time you board one of those rust-bucket tin-cans!

No thank you!

And because Hillary is back in the news recently, I thought it was very timely to see this:

Did Juanita Broaddrick Just Confirm Bill Clinton Is NOT Chelsea’s Father?

Gotta run!

Busy day.

I’ll see you back here tonight for the FULL report just like normal.

Your friend,



You may not have noticed this, but we post our news reports on all day long…

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But you may not have noticed that we publish these Nightly Newsletters on


Because I always want you to be able to find them.

Here’s why I’m telling you this….

Because as we head into the 2024 election, I’m already noticing our emails are getting censored a LOT more often.

Getting many reports of people being unsubscribed against their will or just simply not receiving the emails even though they have signed up multiple times!

Crazy right?

So I wanted to make sure you knew you could ALWAYS find our Nightly Newsletter right on the TruthLion homepage right here:

I recommend you bookmark that and save it to your favorites.

No matter how much they try to censor us, you can always find us over there!





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