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Noah’s Newsletter – 10/2/21

Hey friends,
Noah here, hope you’re weekend has been great so far!
I’ve got your Saturday evening edition of the Newsletter right here and some great stuff for you in here.
First up, some disturbing news….
If you ever plan to fly ever again, looks like you’ll need the jab:
Did United Airlines Just Confirm Vaccine Passports Are Coming To U.S. Air Travel?
Guess I’ll be taking the bus!
Oops, wait a minute…..here’s part 2: if you plan to DRIVE across state lines, they want to jab you for that too:
Get Ready For Vaccine Mandates If You Want To Drive Across State Lines!
Ask yourself this: if the virus is so deadly and the vaccine so great, why do they have to bribe, threaten and intimidate you to take it?
Let me put it another way, let’s say there was something REALLY deadly like Ebola floating around and then let’s say they developed the cure that they were giving out for free….
Do you think they’d have to bribe, intimidate and force people to take it?
No, I don’t think so.
This is all so evil, so very, very evil.
I loved this next one, also about the vaxx.
You ever wonder how Germany allowed things to get so bad under Hitler?
The answer is: “It’s just……”
Watch here to see what I mean:
It’s Just……..
And I keep saying that in order to swing the tide back in our favor, good people have to start speaking up and speaking out against this nonsense.
And it’s starting to happen.
Bravo to these players:
NBA Stars Speak Out Against Vaxx Mandates That Don’t Make Sense!
And a big bravo to President Trump.
Yes, this is a flashback, but I thought we all needed to see it right now:
REFRESHING: President Trump Gives All HONOR To Jesus Christ!
This next one is something really incredible I received in the mail and I had to show it to all of you.
Touched my heart:
SPOTLIGHT: Incredible Gift Just Received In The Mail
And oh my, we end with a wild one.
Before you think I’ve gone off the deep end, I’m asking you to (1) read the article and (2) watch the video.
Because this is very serious and possibly the biggest Red Pill of them all.
I know some of you won’t like this and the cognitive dissonance is gonna be STRONG for some of you.
The comments are running about 50/50, which I think is really incredible.
I am so encouraged to see so many of you truly are awake and realize that if the government is lying to us about everything else, maybe we shouldn’t trust them about this either.
Why would this be different?
It’s not.
In fact, it’s possibly the most serious of all, and I explain why in the article.
I follow the truth and report on the truth wherever it takes me!
Read it here:
Let’s Dig In To….Flat Earth?
Ok folks, after you’ve read the article and watched the video, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Shoot me a reply and let me know what you think.
Where do you stand on this issue?
Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.
I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
p.s. our new mission is off to a HUGE success!
Please join in if you haven’t grabbed one yet:
NEW MISSION: Get a “Trump Won” Flag On Every Street In America!
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