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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/20/22



Hi friends!

Noah here and boy oh boy did I stir up some trouble with last night’s Newsletter…

That’s ok, I knew it would happen.

I’ve written about Michael Flynn before and called him out for his demonic “prayer” before.

Last night a new video was found and I knew it would cause a big ruckus, but I have to report the truth wherever I find it.

Sure enough, a lot of people had some meltdowns, indignant that I would EVER dare to question the great Michael Flynn!

A lot of other people got hung up on the Catholic issues.

Apparently, the Catholics really like praying to Angels and to Mary and to a whole bunch of other people who are not God or Jesus, so a lot of people had meltdowns defending Catholic prayers.

But right now I don’t want to talk about any of that stuff….

I want to focus the issue on the ONE question that so many people missed.

The ONE question is….are you ok with this?

My One Question To Michael Flynn and Hank Kunneman

And while I did hear from a lot of very vocal people experiencing some severe “cognitive dissonance” flare-ups, I was encouraged to see the results of this poll from the article.

Here’s where all of you stand as a whole:

It’s a VERY vocal 25%, but happy to see 75% of you get it and see through something that is very dark.

Ok, moving on….

Now let’s talk COVID and the poison vaxx.

Check out this guy, perhaps we should listen to him?

Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon

And perhaps we should listen to our kids?

They are smart:

How Do Schoolchildren Really Feel About Mandated Masks? Watch These POWERFUL Clips Where Students Speak Out

More TERRIBLE news out of Australia…

I feel so bad for the people who live there:

BREAKING: Austrian Parliament Approves Mandatory COVID-19 Inoculations for All Adults

Bravo once again to one of the best Governors out there:

DeSantis Administration Places Health Director on Administrative Leave for Coercing Staff to Take the COVID-19 Jab

And can you feel the tide starting to turn?

I can!

Senior Editor of Prestigious Medical Journal Calls For Full and Immediate Release of Data for COVID-19 Jabs & Treatments

Especially when I see stuff like this coming out more and more:

India and Dr. Malone Prove Ivermectin WORKS!

And we end with our top story…

The Dominion story is NOT over folks:

Gableman Goes After Dominion

Hang in there!

Ok, before I go I want to remind you about Dr. Zelenko’s “Z-Stack” and how it can give your immune system a huge boost.

I recommend it for your entire family.

Current status for Z-Stack is: “IN STOCK”

Dr. Zelenko Exposes The Plan To Tag Us For The NWO Slave System [Mercola]

Ok folks, that’s a wrap for tonight.

Write me back with your thoughts, I’m ready!

Your friend,



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