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Israel Hits #1 Place Globally For Daily Covid-19 Infections Per Capita



Despite some of the most stringent Covid-19 regulations anywhere in the world, Israel has a record number of new Covid cases.

According to the latest reports, the tiny Middle Eastern nation has hit #1 in daily Covid-19 infections per capita globally, yet the country is among the most highly vaccinated nations on Earth.

Israel is essentially a perfect case study in vaccine efficacy due to its high percentage of vaccinated individuals and its contrast with the Covid-19 policies of Gaza.

Proponents of Covid-19 vaccines fail to internalize the lessons of Israel; namely that forced vaccination is not the answer to preventing the spread of the Covid virus.

Here’s what sources are saying:

The Times Of Israel reports:

At the peak of the current outbreak wave, Segal said one in ten Israelis will test positive for COVID, if they are tested.

Once Israel passes the peak, he said, “there will be a relatively fast decline” from those figures.

Ministry data showed nearly 65,000 people tested positive for COVID on Wednesday, as current active infections climbed to over 400,000.

Over 2 million have been infected since the onset of the pandemic in 2020.

The Jerusalem Post adds:

Of those currently hospitalized in serious condition, 84% are over the age of 60, and 1% are between the age of 0-4. The remainder of serious hospitalized patients are between the ages of 19-59.



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