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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/27/22



Hi friends!

Noah here with your Thursday edition of the Newsletter.

We start with a couple articles from the dark side, but we have to expose evil wherever we find it.

Shine light on it.

Like this:

LEAKED: Rockefeller Speech From ’91 Exposes Evil Plot

And this:

EVIL: BLM Founder Admits To Practicing Witchcraft and Summoning Spirits

Wow, how sick is that?

Now let’s get some balance….

This is why I love Mike Lindell:

NEW: Mike Lindell’s Christian Kids Pillows…ONLY at MyPillow!

Next I had the idea today that I needed to go back and check out Pastor Dana Cornerstone’s “3 prophetic dreams” from summer of 2020.

At the time he released them, they did not go over real well.

But looking back on them…was he right?

See for yourself here:

Revisiting Pastor Dana Coverstone’s “Three Prophetic Dreams” — Trump Missing?

And now we move to the big story of the day…

Can anyone tell me how this isn’t 100% racist and sexist?

OVERTLY RACIST: Biden Pledges To Appoint a “Black Woman” to SCOTUS


How is that even legal?

But ok…if you’re going to have that be your test, please allow me to present Candace Owens as the most qualified option you have!

You’re welcome.

Candace will be wonderful, don’t you all think?

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court opening continues to draw huge speculation:

How Biden’s Supreme Court Pick Could Make Hillary Clinton President

And I love this next one.

It’s just getting really embarrassing now:

The Surgeon General Suggests Censoring Joe Rogan’s Show

And on that note, my favorite meme in a long time:

Wow, isn’t that the truth!

You gotta love it…

And after 6 months of waiting and empty promises, I am continuing to receive messages from people who ARE receiving their Freedom Phones (finally).


Freedom Phone – Positive News?

Please let me know if you ordered one and if you’ve received it.

Then we have this:

The Great mRNA Gene Therapy Experiment is a FAILURE; Horrific Figures From Israel, Malta & Denmark

And back to the Supreme Court, we end with our top story of the day.

Oh my:

Could Kamala Harris To Supreme Court Be A Huge Trap?

Ok, that’s all for tonight, catch you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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