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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/9/22



Hi friends!

Noah here with your Sunday night edition of the Newsletter!

Have to move quickly tonight because I have extra to show you.

We start with something really fun, Mike Lindell giving us a secret behind-the-scenes tour of his giant MyPillow warehouse:

Mike Lindell Gives Secret Tour of His GIANT MyPillow Warehouse!

Isn’t that awesome?

I bet you had no idea it was THAT big!

And more great news out today for Mike:

A Year After Dropping MyPillow, Company Closes 37 Stores — “Lack Of Inventory” Cost Them $100 Million?

***Remember to support Mike by purchasing direct from and use promo code WLT to get the maximum discount!***

Another celebrity died today, and there is no confirmation it was the jab but foul play and drugs are not suspected as of right now:

Bob Saget Dead At 65

It feels like just yesterday Bob was talking about Norm Macdonald’s death and now he’s gone too.

Wow, things are moving so fast.

So let’s talk about your health, shall we?

You need every advantage you can get and here is one of my secret weapons:

Is C60 Your “Secret Weapon” To Staying Healthy and Vibrant?

And here’s the truth about Ivermectin that the MSM does not want to tell you!


Because the MSM answers to Big Pharma.

We don’t.

REMEMBER: Ivermectin Safe, Effective, Won The Nobel Prize and FDA Approved Since 1996!

I’ve been talking a lot about the Freemasons recently and I know it makes some of you upset, but I have to continue reporting the truth wherever I find it.

Here’s more:

Here’s Why Christianity Is TOTALLY Incompatible With Freemasonry!

And what do we have here?

Your thoughts?

Giant Circular UFO Spotted on SpaceX Live Feed

We’ve reported on Dr. David Martin before and today we have another report.

Isn’t he fantastic?

We don’t need new laws, we just need to read the ones we have:

David Martin Explains Why Forced Vaccinations Are ILLEGAL Under TWO Existing U.S. Laws!

This guy is also awesome….

I would say he nailed it to a “T”:

“Brosterdamus” Perfectly Predicts The Future In Spring 2020

And this is very interesting:

WATCH: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky FINALLY Confronted About How Many Americans Died “With” COVID vs “From” COVID

Show this to everyone to wake people up….

No folks, your “local” news is not local:

Brilliant Video Shows How They Manipulate You With The News

Here’s a great Sunday gospel message for you….

Three, in fact:

Sunday’s Gospel Message: “His Glory Has Been Imparted To Us!”

And we end with our top story:

Washington State Files Bill to “Involuntarily Detain” Unvaccinated Families

That’s a wrap!

I’ll see you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



Don’t miss Mike’s OVERSTOCK sale at MyPillow…

Only for a couple days, so if you want something you need to act now!

Thanks for STANDING WITH MIKE!  Your support means a lot.

Check availability here… 👇 


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